Unforgettable: Haven Falls (Book 4) Read online

  © 2019 Sheridan Anne.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover Design by: Sheridan Anne

  Photograph: Bekisha

  Editing and Formatting by: Sheridan Anne

  Proofreading By: Jessie Lynn


  Betrayal is a hard pill to swallow.

  I get it; Rivers is the black sheep of our pack, a closed book, and a dark mystery. He never lets anyone in, but the one thing I do know about him is that he’s loyal. He always has been, so finding out he was responsible for one of the greatest betrayals against me was absolutely shattering.

  Like I said; betrayal is a hard pill to swallow.

  We’re a mess.

  Our pack has been torn apart from the inside out. Tully is struggling to keep herself together, Noah is quickly discovering the limits of his temper, Rivers is nowhere to be seen, and me? Well, I’ve been acting like some kind of raging bitch and something tells me that this is only just the beginning.

  When will this end?

  I need a sign that things are going to get better. I thought that nearly losing Tully was the worst that could happen.

  I never expected it could get worse. So much worse.

  WARNING: The Haven Falls Series is a Young Adult / New Adult Romance filled with LOL moments, teenage angst, and of course, all the swoon worthy moments I know you’re all dying for. This series is recommended for mature readers due to cursing and sexual content. If this offends you, then steer clear of this bad boy romance!

  For everyone else, dive in and have fun!



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Author Biography

  Other Series by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 1

  Henley – Whatcha doing? Wanna meet me in the darkroom and do that thing you like?

  Tully – Ummmmmmmm…

  Tully – I mean, I guess I could escape out of this hell hole. I wouldn’t mind getting a little nasty, but you’ll have to be more specific on what it is you like. I wouldn’t want to get it wrong!!!!

  Tully – BTW, I knew you weren’t interested in my nasty ass brother!!!!! It’s been me all along, hasn’t it?


  Wrong fucking number. She’s never going to let me live this down.

  I get busy responding.

  Henley – Of course, it’s always been you, my Queen!

  Henley – It’s settled! I’ll ditch the nasty ass brother and we can run away together. We’d have such pretty babies.

  Tully – Duh! Our babies are going to be hot AF!

  Tully – You’re going to have to carry though! Nasty Ass’s DNA is closest to mine, so lucky for you, he’s still going to have to fuck you to knock you up! I ain’t getting around with his jizz inside me! That’s where I draw the line!

  Henley – OMG!!!!!!! I need to burn my eyes!!!! WTF did I just read? You’re disgusting!!!!!!!!

  Tully – Don’t judge! I’m fucking bored in this damn hospital. It’s called creating my own entertainment!

  Henley – Fine! Be disgusting!

  I cringe to myself before deciding to send another text. It’s a bit of a touchy subject though, but considering she seems to be in a good mood, I can risk asking right now. Unlike Noah; who got his head bitten off a few days ago for doing the very same thing.

  Henley – Have you heard from Rivers?

  Tully – What do you think? Ever since that video went out, he’s completely disappeared. It’s like he doesn’t exist anymore! I just wish he’d come and explain himself. I don’t understand why he’d do that to you.

  Tully – Though…it couldn’t have been him. Are you sure the information was right? This doesn’t feel right.

  Henley – Considering he disappeared right after the blast went out. I don’t know… it seems too coincidental, don’t you think?

  Tully – I guess.

  Tully - Shit. I have to go. The mean bitch is making me walk around again!

  Henley – Don’t trip and eat dirt! Your face is too pretty for a broken nose!

  Tully – Ha. Ha.

  I smile to myself. I can imagine the look on her face right now. Tully’s been stuck in that hospital for nearly two weeks now and it’s killing her. There was talk about sending her home, but she’d be on strict bedrest and that’s going to be a whole other drama. Her arm is still shattered inside that cast and I’d bet that she’s still in all sorts of pain. She’s being brave though, but that’s not always a good thing.

  Noah and I have practically been living in the hospital every chance we get. Hell, if I could, I’d be there right now, but apparently, I made myself this promise to kick myself up the ass and get my grades up. It sucks, like really sucks. I was not made for schoolwork. I was created for the sole purpose of being freaking awesome.

  I don’t exactly have an academic mind, except for when it comes to science. Everything else seems to get the best of me. I hardly passed grade one mathematics. I mean, damn, multiplication is hard, add a little division to the mix and I’m fucked.

  I scoot down in my chair and force myself to put my phone down. I’m never going to raise my grades and get accepted into the scholarship program at Broken Hill University if I can’t concentrate during one history class.

  Without this scholarship, I’m nothing. Ok, well, that might be taking it a bit far but it’s certainly how I feel. I never knew just how badly I wanted this until Mr. Carver went and opened my eyes to a world full of possibilities. Haven Falls kids simply don’t go to college, it’s unheard of, but here I am, day in and day out, sweating bullets and hoping I somehow get in.

  I don’t want to be nothing. I want to make something of myself, if not for my sake, then for Aria’s. She needs to see that high school isn’t the end of the line. I want her to strive for more and I can’t preach that to her if I don’t give it a shot myself.

  I look towards the door as my mind, body, and soul scream to be released from the hell of history class. Just twenty more minutes. I can do it. I just have to look at the textbook before me and find something interesting to draw me in, then I’ll be good.

  I let out a sigh. It’s impossible. I mean, if we were studying the Vikings, I’m sure I’d be able to find a few different things to help me along, but nope. Not today.

  The past two weeks since the accident have been awful. The video of me getting jumped was released by Rivers and since then, there’s been this ache inside my chest. It’s a shattering betrayal. I don’t know, I’ve never felt anything quite like it, not even when all that shit went down with Jackson and Kaylah. This is so much worse.

  I’ve been an absolute bitch since then. I got myself a three day suspension for bitch-slapping a cheerleader which surely isn’t going to help the whole college thing, I’ve lost my shit with Noah multiple times, and even shut out Aria when all she wanted to do was play. Like I said, I’ve been a bitch and it’s all because Rivers tore me apart. Dad is just about ready to dig out a dungeon under our house and lock me down there like some kind of rabid animal. I’ve been that bad.

  That’ll teach me for not realizing the kind of power I allowed him to have over me.

  Naturally, Noah has forgiven me each and every time, but only because he’s been a snappy prick too. I think he misses his best friend. He’s concerned about him, confused, and fucking pissed. Doing something like this just doesn’t seem like Rivers. He’s been loyal since day one which is what has made it so hard to believe, but the fact that he’s taken off and hasn’t checked in with us screams at me to doubt him.

  I’m lucky that the majority of students here are terrified of me, otherwise, the shame of that video would have destroyed me. That was the lowest moment of my life and for it to be broadcasted around the school was devastating. As I cried out for help, begging them to stop, I lost every ounce of dignity that I had. It was the lowest of the lows and every person I know witnessed it.

  Most of the kids at school knew to keep quiet about it, but others thought it was their chance to take me down, hence the three day suspension. People quickly learned to forget they ever saw that video, but it still hurts knowing it’s out there for the world to see. Knowing my luck, someone will upload it on YouTube and the fucking thing will go viral.

  The Haven Falls Queen went down, but you bet your ass she didn’t stay down for long.

  Ten minutes to go. I focus a little harder on the Renaissance Era.

  BORING!!!!!!! I’m never going to pass this shit. Why does it matter what the rest of my grades are like? I’m trying to get into a science program. Science. Not fucking history.

  I hang my head before forcing it back up and practically holding my eyes open as I watch my teacher walk back and forth across the front of the room, getting lost in all things Renaissance.

  Those last ten minutes tick by and it feels like I die a million deaths during that time. When the bell finally sounds, I’m the first one out of my chair and through the door. I get out into the hallway and instantly bring my phone to my ear. It rings a few times before the voice on the other side has a smile lighting my face.

  “What’s going on?” Tully says, not bothering with the whole ‘Hey, how are you?’ bullshit.

  A chuckle sails up my throat. “I think we should call ourselves ‘Helly.’”

  “What?” she grunts, clearly confused as to what the hell I’m talking about.

  “Helly,” I repeat. “You know if Henley and Tully were squished together. Kind of like ‘Brangelina,’ and ‘Kimye’.”

  “Ahhhh,” she says. “Though I clearly wear the pants in this relationship so my name should go first. We can be,” she pauses, having to actually think about it. “Tull…ley. Wait. That’s too much like my name. That won’t work.”

  “Hence why I went with my name first,” I tell her, having already figured it out. “I just spent an hour sitting in history class going over all our options and honestly, our names kind of suck together. Now me and Noah, we’d be either ‘Noley’ or ‘Henah’.”

  “Hmmm,” she draws out. “I think I like ‘Noley’ but only because it makes you two sound like complete dorks, though, I guess that’s not far from the truth.”

  I roll my eyes and laugh. “Shut up.”

  I also spent a good portion of the lesson going over what Tully and Rivers would be called, but I decide not to mention that. I’m sure she’s probably already trying to figure it out, just deciding to keep quiet about it. Though, ‘Rivlly’ seems to have a ring to it.

  “Ooooh,” Tully says in a high tone, clearly excited about something. “We could be Hully too.”

  I think it over. ‘Helly’ or ‘Hully’? Hmmm. Helly seems more accurate because that’s where we’re both going to end up, but ‘Hully’…that just sounds better.

  I push my way into the cafeteria, looking up to see Noah already here. He gives me a warm smile and I make my way across to him. “I think you’re right. Forevermore, we shall be known as ‘Hully’.”

  A booming laugh pulls from her before a pained groan. “Shit. you can’t make me laugh like that,” she moans.

  I pause in the middle of the cafeteria, alarmed. “Crap, are you ok?” I ask as Noah looks over me with furrowed brows, wondering what’s keeping me. He strides over to me as I ask, “Did you go for your walk? How’d you go?”

  “Is that Tully?” Noah questions, taking my waist as I nod. “Is she alright?”

  “No,” Tully yells out, making it obvious that she can hear Noah through the line. “Tell that big asshole that if he wants to know how I am, he can call me himself.”

  I look up at Noah with a beaming smile. “Yeah, she’s fine.”

  Those green eyes of his become suspicious and he pauses a moment before dragging me along behind him. I focus back on Tully. “Well, did that cow force you out of bed?”

  “Yesss,” she groans, drawing it out. I can just imagine her rolling her eyes as she says it and I let out a breath, feeling a rant coming along. “It’s better when you’re here. She holds me too tight as though I’m going to fall, but you just let me do it myself. I mean, it’s only a few internal stitches. It’s not like I crushed my pelvis and need to retrain myself to walk. I swear, all the nurses here think I’m incapable of doing anything myself, but if they backed off a little, they’d see that I’m fine.”

  “They’re just doing their job,” I remind her for the millionth time over the past two weeks and thanking my lucky stars that I didn’t sign up to be her nurse. She’d probably chop my head off. “You’ll be out of there soon and back at home where I’m sure Noah will strap you to your bed and refuse to let you move.”

  Noah smirks back at me and I send up a little prayer, hoping that Tully somehow makes it through this recovery without murdering my boyfriend. “Geez,” she groans. “Maybe I’m better off here after all.”

  “Exactly my point,” I tell her, though now I’m a little jealous; I wouldn’t mind having Noah strap me to a bed and refuse to let me go. Damn, the things he would do to me.

  She rambles on a little while longer and before I know it, I’m sitting down beside Noah, minding my own business as he talks to Jared Frazer, one of the few seniors at Haven Falls Private who doesn’t give a shit about Noah’s status.

  I hate this.

  School isn’t the same without Tully here. She’s my girl, my person, the one I can talk all sorts of shit to and know I won’t be judged. Add that to the fact that Rivers seems to have done a disappearing act, and not just the disappearing act the boys do when they’re doing a job for Anton, like a full on actual disappearing act. Things are changing and I’m not sure I like it.

  I lean back in my seat and tune out the boys’ conversation as they talk about something to do with the races. Boys will be boys, right? There are no races anymore yet they can’t stop talking about it. I mean, is it a rule of owning a penis that you have to discuss cars and tits all the time?

  A hand slides its way down and takes possession of my thigh and I can’t help but suck in a breath as the butterflies go batshit crazy in my stomach. Nearly five months and he still makes me feel like the only girl in the world. The kicker is, as I look up and take in his face, he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it.

  Is this even possible? It’s a natural reaction for him to reach out and touch me, every chance he gets. He reads me like a book yet somehow, he’s blind to the fact that I completely fall apart inside when I feel that electricity his skin sends through my body. I’m a mess when he’s around, but the good kind. I can’t think, I can’t breathe, I can’t function. Everything is him.

  My world starts and stops with Noah Cage. He has completely captured me and I’ve fallen as hard as humanly possible.

  I can’t help but slide my hand beneath his and hold onto it as I pick at my lunch. I haven’t exactly had an appetite the last two weeks. Noah isn’t completely thrilled with it, but he understands why. Things are fucked up a nd we’re all hurting from Rivers betrayal; Tully the most.

  I couldn’t bear the pain had it been Noah who had done what he did.

  A throat clears and my head snaps up from my lunch to take in Alyssa, the girl Rivers has been dating for the past few weeks. My eyes instantly rake over her, not liking her or what she stands for one bit. She’s the girl who brought on all sorts of unnecessary pain to my best friend and for that, I simply can’t see a world where I accept her. “Can I help you?” I question with distaste as Noah turns to take her in.

  Alyssa’s eyes flick between us and it’s clear that she’s terrified to be standing before us. She wasn’t at first, but that was solely because she was new here. She didn’t understand who we were and what our status was in Haven Falls, but now, she’s had more than enough time to work out how things go around here.

  We’re the fucking King and Queen of Haven Falls and these fuckers bow to us.

  When we first found out that Rivers had sent the video, Noah cornered Alyssa with one hell of an interrogation, hoping that she knew something or had the slightest inkling where he might have been. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Noah more terrifying than at that moment. His emotions were riding high and the betrayal was fresh and weighing on him heavily. No wonder she looks as though she’s about to shit her pants.

  We quickly worked out that Alyssa didn’t know anything and we left her alone, but I fear that Noah lost a piece of his soul that day.

  I have to admit, she must have a massive set of balls to be standing here before us now, though it’s clear that she walked the long way around so she’d be closer to me than to Noah. Smart move.

  “I, uh…” she starts, nervously, flicking her eyes towards Noah with caution once more before focusing her full attention on me. “You told me to come and tell you if Rivers contacted me again.”

  My brow cocks with interest. “Well?” I prompt.

  “He texted,” she says. “It’s not much, but it’s something.”

  “What did he say?” I rush out. “Do you know where he is?”

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