Unstoppable: Haven Falls (Book 7) Read online

Page 14

  Shit. He must have been awake, just laying there enjoying me rubbing myself against him. I should be mortified, but it’s Rivers and it’ll take a lot for me to feel embarrassed when it comes to him.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell him.

  “Uh-huh,” he breathes as he returns his lips to my neck.

  Another groan is pulled from within me and I find my arm sliding up until it’s curled around the back of his neck. “I think you should go,” I say though it comes out way too breathy and needy, letting him know exactly how badly I’m affected.

  “I’ll go,” he tells me as his hand starts rubbing over the top of my pajama shorts. "Just as soon as I’m finished here.”

  I grind down against his hand, needing more as a squeak is pulled from me. There’s no fighting it. I want it so bad.

  His lips continue their sensual assault against my neck as one hand works between my legs and the other works my body, sending me into sexual bliss.

  Rivers grows harder by the second and I want nothing more than to spin around and take hold of him, to feel his velvety skin beneath my fingers once again, to watch how my touch affects him just as he does to me. But I can’t. The hold Rivers has on my body forbids me from moving even an inch and what’s more, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Rivers’ hand slips under the fabric of both my shorts and underwear and the second his fingers come into contact with my clit and begin rubbing circles, I’m a fucking goner. A breathy gasp sails out of me as my knees buckle, making me grip onto my counter to avoid falling into it.

  His foot is at mine and he kicks it open, leaving me wide open and soaking wet, desperately craving and needing so much more.

  He doesn’t disappoint. When it comes down to this, Rivers never disappoints.

  Two thick fingers find my entrance and he pushes them in deep as my head falls back onto his shoulder. I clutch onto the counter as though it’s the only thing keeping me grounded and find my face turning towards his.

  His lips meet mine seconds before he uses his thumb to continue those torturous little circles against my clit.

  In. Out. In. Out. OH, FUCK! This is good.

  My body is forced to the edge, but I find myself holding on for more. “I need…more.”

  “I got you,” he whispers, picking up his pace as his thumb adds a little pressure.

  A groan tears from my throat and I scream out his name. He works my body like a fucking pro and I want nothing more than to strip off naked, climb up on this fucking counter, and bend myself over, offering myself up to him like a Thanksgiving turkey.

  I need him to fuck me and I need it to be messy.

  I need my ass spanked.

  I need him to claim me.

  I need him to pound into me, giving it all he’s got.

  I want bruises left on my skin.

  I want to be left red fucking raw and utterly spent when he deems that he’s through with me.


  What I need is Jesus.

  Rivers’ hand slips inside my tank and under my bra that I failed to take off before bed and cups my breast as I grind my ass against him. He squeezes my breast before running his fingers over my nipple and sending an electric shock right down to my pussy. Feeling my reaction, he does it again and again being just as rough as I need.

  With one last circle rubbed over my clit, my world explodes. I detonate around his fingers and scream out his name once again. His lips catch mine and his fingers never let up, not until I’ve finished riding out my orgasm.

  I gasp, trying to catch my breath. What the fuck was that? It was as though the devil came and possessed my body because it has never reacted so strongly to a man’s touch. I was on fire.

  I sag against him and he catches me with ease. “You’re fucking beautiful when you come,” he murmurs against my neck.

  I feel my cheeks flame, but for the most part I like his words. I like how they make me feel like the sexiest woman who ever lived. I turn in his arms and look up into his eyes that don’t seem so haunted anymore.

  “I know,” he murmurs, reaching down between us and adjusting himself in his pants. “I’m leaving now.”

  A wicked grin spreads across my face as I slide my hand up his shirt. “You don’t need to leave,” I tell him, loving the deep ridges of his abs beneath my fingers. I slide my hands up to his chest and splay them out, wanting to touch as much of him as possible.

  “Yeah, I do,” he says, slowly nodding his head as he takes my hips and pulls me into him so I can feel exactly what he’s got going on down there. “I want to fuck you until you can’t walk, Tully, and if I stay then that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  “Maybe that’s exactly what I need you to do.”

  “I know, baby,” he says as he slides his knee between my legs, rubbing it over my pussy. “You’re dripping wet for me. You need me to slam you down on this counter, open you up wide and fuck you just as bad as I need to be between your fucking legs with your taste on my tongue.”

  My knees go weak again and I find myself ready for round two. I clutch onto his forearms, holding him to me, terrified that he’s about to walk out that door leaving me with an ache that I couldn’t possibly deal with myself.

  I shake my head before reaching for the front of his pants. “Don’t go. Not yet.”

  Rivers catches my hand in his and gently returns my hand to his chest. “If you touch me, I won’t be able to stop, and as much as you need it, you’re not ready for it. If I was to fuck you exactly like you wanted me too, you’d hate me for it afterward and that’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”

  I search his eyes, absolutely sure that he’s wrong. How could I regret something so good?

  He leans into me, resting his forehead against mine. “The ball is in your court, Tully. You come to me when you’re ready in here,” he murmurs, pressing his hand to my chest, “and I’ll give you everything you could possibly need.”

  With that, he presses his lips softly against mine and lingers there for a brief moment before pulling away. He steps back, keeping his eyes on mine. “Remember, Tully. I plan on loving you for the rest of my fucking life and no matter how long it takes, I’ll be there, but you know me, babe. I’m not a fucking patient man.” He winks. “Don’t make me wait long.”

  He steps up to my front door and in a heartbeat, he’s on the other side, pulling the door closed between us, leaving me staring after him wondering what the hell I just allowed to happen in the middle of my kitchen.

  All I know is that was incredible.

  Rivers made me feel something I haven’t felt in so long. Hell, he made me explode and has left me needing so much more. It’s only seven in the morning and my coffee is cold, I’ve got drenched panties, and all I can focus on is hurrying down to my room to dig out my vibrator and hope that I can somehow cure this ache that’s continuing to build within me.

  Chapter 13


  I sit squished up next to Henley, flicking through the pictures she took on her phone of her honeymoon in Italy and Paris and I’ve never been so jealous. Looking through all these pictures reminds me that I haven’t taken a break since leaving high school and I could really use some time off, but I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving my store.

  Don’t get me wrong, Candice is great, but she’s not ready to take control and I couldn’t trust anyone else to do it. While Henley and Noah are both supportive of what I do, they wouldn’t know a damn thing about flowers. Mom and dad are also pretty useless when it comes to that as well so it’s just me. I’m all I have, but I knew that when I first opened ‘Read My Tulips’ and I was more than ok with it then so I should be ok with it now.

  Maybe I could just close for a long weekend during a bad season to give myself a few days…but on second thought, maybe not. I don’t like the idea of the store being closed. I’ve made a reputation of being the best, and the best isn’t someone who closes up for a few days. It’s just
unheard of when it comes to ‘Read My Tulips.’

  Noah hovers behind the couch watching us going through the photos and correcting everything that Henley has to say. Apparently, she’s remembering it all wrong when in fact, something tells me that Noah’s the one who’s got it all wrong.

  We both tune him out and send him away to make us some cocktails as we finish going through her honeymoon in peace.

  They got back yesterday and I decided to give them the day to unwind and catch up on a little sleep as something tells me that not a lot of that has been happening over the past three weeks.

  As soon as we’re done with the pictures, Henley turns the tables on me and demands to know exactly what’s been going on here. Noah returns with our cocktails and just when I think I’m off the hook, he sits down with an expectant look, wanting in on the conversation, so I roll my eyes and get on with it.

  “Well, I got pretty messed up at your wedding and somehow ended up at mom and dad’s place.”

  Noah scoffs. “Don’t act as though you don’t know how you got there. We already know Rivers was the one to take you home.”

  “Yeah,” Henley laughs. “You were pretty fucked up. I can’t believe you passed out.”

  “It wasn’t that bad.”

  “Yeah, it was,” Noah grins. “Do you need to see the pictures from the reception? You looked as though you couldn’t even stand and then you had an argument with your boyfriend and got drunk with the guy who fucked you up in the first place.”

  I wince. “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t ruin it for you guys.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Henley howls with laughter. “Watching you write yourself off was the highlight of my night.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Noah grumbles, turning on his wife with an unimpressed glare. “Are you forgetting the part where we got married and when I fucked you behind that big oak tree while everyone was having photos taken?”

  “Oh, yeah,” she chuckles as a flush creeps into her cheeks. “That was pretty good.”

  I try my best not to throw up. These two have always been so in your face about their sex life, never sparing any gruesome details despite how much I beg. Henley simply can’t help but share while Noah does it just to gross me out because apparently, that shit is funny. If the shoe was on the other foot though, he’d probably go searching for the guy and knock him the fuck out for touching his sister. I swear, the guy thinks he was put on this earth just to be my over-protective security detail He should know that I can take care of myself.

  Got to love double standards!

  “So, what else has been going on?” Henley asks, taking a long sip of her cocktail in an attempt to cover her smirk.

  I look away, focusing on my drink. “Nothing. Just been working.”

  “Right,” she grins. “You mean to tell me that Rivers has been home for three weeks and all you’ve been doing is working?”

  A shiver runs through my body at the mention of his name. Images of him touching me and setting my body on fire flare through me and if I’m not careful, Henley and Noah will know exactly what’s been going on with just one look at my face. I school my features and reach for my drink. “Yep.”

  “No,” Noah throws out in that ‘I’m the fucking king, I know better’ tone of his. He narrows his eyes on me as he watches me carefully. “It’s more than that.”

  I roll my eyes. “I don’t know what you guys were expecting. Yes, Rivers is home, but he’s been giving me space just like he should.”

  “Uh-huh. So, when he called the day we left and promised that he was going to win you back, he didn’t show up and force his way through your door? Come on, Tullz. We know Rivers better than that. He would have been wherever you were every fucking chance he got.”

  I shake my head as I glare at my rotten twin brother. “I freaking knew it was you who gave him my address.”

  Noah just grins like a job well done. “So, he has been coming around?”

  “Yes…and no.”

  “Eh?” Henley grunts.

  “It’s complicated. I mean, there’s Spencer to think about.”

  Henley’s eyes bug out of her head before she throws herself at me. “That’s right. I totally forgot that you broke up with him. I hope you let him down easy.”

  “Wait. You knew we broke up?” A sheepish look crosses her features and I clench my jaw, realizing exactly how they would have known. “That freaking bastard. He has such a big fucking mouth.”

  “To be fair,” Noah grumbles. “We didn’t know for sure. It was just an inkling.”

  I shake my head. “I didn’t want you guys to find out on your honeymoon and then spend your time worrying about me.”

  Noah shrugs and gives me a devilish grin. “Nah. I wasn’t worried. In fact, I don’t think the thought even entered my mind.”

  Henley throws a cushion at him and it smacks him right in the face. “Shut up, you dork. You spent every single night panicking about her. I had to take your phone off you so you wouldn’t flood her with calls and texts.”

  Noah’s glare turns on me. “I couldn’t have flooded her phone even if I want to because someone blocked my number.”

  I shrug my shoulders unapologetically. “What can I say? You were calling me four times a day to check-in. Do you even talk to Henley that much?”

  Noah rolls his eyes. “It wasn’t four times a day.”

  “Yeah,” Henley grumbles with an eye roll of her own. “It was.” She looks at me. "So, what’s happening with Spencer? You guys are actually done? Like three years, four proposals, and an unfulfilled promise to move in all finished?”

  I press my lips into a tight line. “Yep.”


  “So…nothing. There’s nothing to say. It’s over and now he’s hanging out with your cousin,” I explain, hoping the sting in my heart isn’t showing on my face. It still hurts to think about and sucked even more when I got around to unpacking the box on my dining room table.

  I had the great idea of packing up his things to help me find a little closure and ended up dropping it off at his place to find her car sitting in the driveway, right where mine would usually be.

  It fucking sucked, but what can I say? I’ve spent every day of our relationship thinking about another man. I guess in this situation, I’m the dick. I have to keep reminding myself that Spencer deserves to be happy.

  Noah flies off the couch and looks down at me in rage as Henley’s mouth drops. “WHAT?” he roars. “He’s fucking Lacey?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not too sure actually. All I know is that they’re hanging out a lot.”

  “Already?” Henley gasps. “It’s too soon for him to be moving on. What the hell is he thinking?”

  Noah scoffs. “Probably thinking about getting his dick wet. I can’t fucking believe him. How dare he do this to you? Does he have no fucking respect for the shit you two have gone through? Three fucking years and he’s already fucking someone else. I could kill him.”

  The door flies open and Rivers strides in with a proud grin and opens his arms wide as though we should all be honoured to be within his presence. “Who the fuck are we killing?”

  Noah spins around and his fury instantly leaves him. “Hey. How the fuck are you?” he beams, throwing himself over the back of the couch to get to the front door. He meets Rivers in the middle and the two of them throw their arms around each other like long lost friends. Though, I guess that’s exactly what they are. “Where have you been? I was expecting you to storm through the door hours ago.”

  Rivers peers up over Noah’s shoulder and his eyes bore right into mine, sending a pink flush over my cheeks. After all, the last time I saw him, his thick fingers were buried deep inside me. I try to control myself, but Henley’s eyes are already on me with a knowing smirk on her face. “I wanted to give you guys some time to unpack,” Rivers explains, never once taking his eye off me.

  The boys separate as Henley gets up and welcomes her br
other. “Unpack?” she scoffs, giving him a quick hug. “I probably won’t get around to unpacking for a few weeks, hell maybe even a few months.”

  Rivers gives her a funny stare. “A few months?” he questions. “Why? Have you got shit going on?”

  “Nope. Just can’t be fucked to do it.”

  Every eye in the room rolls. “I’m not surprised.”

  Henley gives him a bright smile before sucking in a sharp gasp as her eyes bug out of her head. “You’ve never been here before. Come in. Let me show you around.” She grabs hold of him and pulls him through the living room in her desperation to show off her home to her big brother.

  As Rivers passes across the back of the couch, he looks down at me and runs his fingers over the back of my shoulders. A satisfying shiver takes over me and my eyes close for the briefest moment. “How are you, Tullz?” he murmurs in that deep voice that seems to send me insane, but what makes it worse is knowing without a doubt that there’s one hell of a sexy smirk playing on his lips.

  A wide smile crosses my face and I try my best to rein it in. “No complaints.”

  A sparkle hits his eye and something tells me he’s thinking about the very same thing that’s been occupying my mind for the last few days. “Uh-huh,” he murmurs just a second before Henley grabs hold of his wrist and pulls him into her kitchen.

  I turn back to Noah and realize that he’s been staring. “Bullshit all you want,” he tells me with a knowing grin. “Something went down between you two.”

  I shake my head, but I’m unable to control my smile. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”


  It’s clear as day that Noah knows something has been going on and despite the fact that I actually have no idea what that is, I’d expect my brother to be losing his mind, except he’s grinning at me as though he couldn’t be happier. In fact, despite being friends with Spencer, he never once greeted him at the door the way he just did with Rivers. Though, that could very well have something to do with the fact that they’re long lost best friend finally reunited after four years apart, except when they saw each other at the wedding three weeks ago, but it’s not like they could fuck around and be boys at the wedding. Here, in the privacy of Noah’s home, they get to be their complete idiotic selves.


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