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Decimate: The Guard Trilogy Page 16

  “Rylan, there you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Penny, aka Barbie as Bianca would call her, says, grabbing my arm and forcing me to sit back down as she squishes in on the couch beside me.

  “Here, I am.” I grumble. Hoping I don’t come across too rude, but seriously? This woman just doesn’t get it.

  I. Am. Not. Interested.

  “I thought we could do lunch” she suggests, placing her hand on my thigh. I glance down at it in repulsion. Geez. How the times have changed. Before I met Bianca, I would have jumped at this opportunity. I mean, the woman is attractive, but she’s got nothing on Bianca.

  “Ah, thanks, but I’m actually meeting with some friends,” I say, removing her hand and getting up.

  Her face drops ever so slightly. “Oh, sure, maybe next time.”

  Doubt it. “Sure,” I say, walking away.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I quickly snatch it up as it’s most likely Kaylee wondering where I am.

  “Yeah?” I answer, without looking at the caller ID.

  “RYLAN,” Jacinta screams through the phone. Deja Vu creeps through me and I know in an instant it's Bianca. “You have to help. She’s gone. They’re both gone,” she cries.

  Gone? What does she mean gone? Both? I hear the sound of air rushing past the phone and I realize she must be running. Where though? To me? “Where are you? Where’s Bianca and Kaylee,” I demand.

  “Food court,” she cries. “Please hurry. They’re gone. They took her.”

  I don’t think I have ever run faster in my life. I sprint through the crowds, knocking people out of my way as I go. I hear the frustrated protest of the people I pass, but I just don’t have it in me to give a shit. I make it to the food court in no time, to find Jacinta a mess on the floor.

  She jumps at my sudden arrival. I grab her, yanking her off the floor and up to my eye level. “What the hell happened?” I demand, the order in my voice snapping her out of her sobs.

  “Two fairy knights, they just showed up out of nowhere. Bianca tried to fight them off, but one grabbed Kaylee around the throat and said he will kill her if she didn’t stop. The second the knight touched her, they just disappeared,” she says, sniffling and wiping at her eyes.

  “Fuck,” I roar, letting go of Jacinta’s arms. “Let’s go,” I order.

  I race out of the shopping center with Jacinta hot on my heels, though not quite fast enough to keep up. I head into the parking lot and scan the cars. Bingo. A sports car. I punch in the window and reach through to unlock the car. I immediately duck down to hot wire it, not giving a damn if anybody sees. By the time the engine purrs to life Jacinta has caught up and is climbing into the passenger side.

  I peel out of the parking lot and speed back to the Academy, breaking at least fifty traffic laws. Fear begins to creep into my system. Fear of the unknown. Where the hell are my girls?

  I order Jacinta to call the chaperones and alert them to what has happened, so if I fail to keep Bianca and Kaylee safe, at least the rest of the students will be spared. I barely hear Jacinta as she rushes through the story to whoever is on the other end. She hangs up and immediately makes another call. I push the car faster and faster each time I hear the story repeated, imagining the things I’m going to do to the animals who dared put their hands on my woman and sister.

  Jacinta picks at her freshly manicured nails, deep in thought as I speed along the highway. Five more minutes and we’ll be there.

  “Oh, my god,” she whispers in terror.

  “What is it?” I snap, urgently.

  “They’re in the Fairy Kingdom,” she cries.

  “No,” I say, hopelessness rushing all over me and I pray they’re still alive when I come for them.

  “Fairies can only teleport that quickly if it’s directly to and from their Kingdom, especially if they are taking passengers.”

  Shit, I should have worked that out myself. “I’ll get them back even if it kills me,” I vow.

  “I know you will,” she says with complete faith.

  Two minutes later, I come screeching into the Academy parking lot, barely stopping before I fly out the door. I hardly notice Jacinta as she flies out the opposite side and takes off towards the dorms. I make it to Ms. Petersons office and barge in. She is mid meeting with some idiot who I don’t take the time to notice.

  “I need a team put together, now,” I say, not asking, but telling.

  “Calm down. What’s going on? What do you need a team for?” she asks, standing from her desk.

  “Bianca Moore and Kaylee Neill have been abducted by two Fairy Knights from the mall twenty minutes ago. We need to go after them,” I demand.

  Peterson goes ghostly pale as she realizes the severity of the situation. “Where have the girls been taken?” she asks.

  “It’s believed they’ve been taken into the Fairy Kingdom.”

  Regret flashes in her eyes and she quickly glances away to compose herself. An apology in her eyes as she looks back. “I’m sorry, Rylan. I understand Bianca is a student of yours and, well Kaylee,” she cringes, clearly remembering my sister. “But I cannot authorize such rescue mission. It’s suicide to go after them and I will not put my faculty at risk in such a way.”

  I pace the room, trying to get my emotions under control so I don’t lose my shit at the woman before me.

  It was a long shot coming here, but I had to try. “Call The Guard, get them to send the Front Line,” I beg.

  “I can try, but you know as well as I do. Bianca is eighteen now, an adult in their eyes, let alone not an official member of their ranks. And Kaylee... surely you must know they will not entertain the idea.”

  “Damn it,” I growl, knowing she’s right. Us on the front lines risk our lives for the Guard every day, yet when we ask for something in return. Nothing. “I’ll do it myself,” I say, realizing my only true option.

  “I cannot allow you to do that. It’s too dangerous,” she says urgently as I head for the door.

  “Just as well I’m not asking permission,” I snap, crossing the threshold and slamming the door behind me.

  I head back to the parking lot, digging through my pocket for the keys to my SUV. I reach the car park in record time to find Trey and Daniel with Jacinta hovering behind them.

  “No,” I say immediately, knowing where their minds are at.

  “Yes,” Daniel snaps.

  I give a rough shake of my head dismissing them as I head to my SUV.

  “Any bets Peterson denied you a team. You need us,” Trey says as they follow behind me.

  I turn on them, sending each of them a ferocious glare. “I don’t need you kids getting in the way.”

  Jacinta surprises me by getting in my face. “Stop being such an idiotic moron and allowing your ego to get in the way. YOU. NEED. US,” she yells, poking me in the chest with each word. “There’s no way you’ll even get close to entering the Fairy Kingdom without my help and you’re going to need these idiots to help you get the girls out while one of you fights off the Knights,” she adds, storming past me and climbing straight into the front seat of my SUV.

  God, that girl is going to be put in her place the moment we get back from this… if we get back from this.

  “Fine,” I growl, staring Daniel down with the absolute look of death. “Keep your feelings out of this,” I warn.

  He scoffs at me, but wisely keeps his mouth shut.

  “Get in,” I order the boys. Yep, I’m going to get fired for this, but if it means getting Bianca and Kaylee back. I’d do it a million times over.

  I fire up the engine and before I know it, I’m shooting back down the highway, while Jacinta hatches out a plan to break into the Fairy Kingdom.

  Chapter 17

  Memories come flooding back and I’m startled into consciousness. The foul smell hits me first and open my eye to take in my surroundings. I lay in a darkened room and prop myself up on my aching hip. My hands are bound behind my back and tied to what looks l
ike the root of a tree. I scan the area for any immediate threats and quickly realize I’m alone.

  Where the hell am I? What happened to Kaylee? God, I hope she’s ok. Panic surges through me. I need to find Kaylee and get out of here.

  My eyes adjust to the darkened room and focus on the area around me. A basement? No, that’s not right, not even close. I shift around on the cold, damp floor. Is that soil? Maybe an underground bunker cut from the earth? God, please tell me someone hasn’t dug out a grave and thrown me in.

  I look around, hoping to find some way out of this place or at least something to use as a weapon, but all I see is dirt walls and tree roots. Great. The great Bianca Moore took down her captors using nothing but dirt and sticks. Yeah right.

  Well, at least if I die here, The Guard won’t be able to use me as their poster girl. No, I can’t think like that. I must be positive. I must get to Kaylee and get us out of here.

  I look up at the roof and squint into the darkness. Is the roof made out of tree roots? What the hell?

  Realization hits. There’s quite literally no place like this on earth.

  I’m in the Fairy Kingdom and as good as dead.

  I lay in the dirt and gravel and begin to notice my body which is covered in cuts and bruises, especially my hip. I must have been thrown in here. I try to adjust myself and get up into a sitting position. My hip angrily protests as my shoulders scream in pain against my bounds.

  I focus my attention on the opposite wall, assuming that’s where the door must be. I sit and wait for what could be minutes or hours, waiting to find out whatever my fate will be.

  I think about Rylan and Jacinta, the two absolute loves of my life, knowing they must be worried sick. There’s a great chance that I will never see them again and I pray they don’t try to come after me. Not here. It’s too dangerous, but I know they will, they’ll come after me with everything they’ve got. A tear slides down my face as I wait in the darkness, knowing that today could very well be the day that one of my true loves die trying to save me and there’s not a thing I can do about it.

  A blinding flash of light fills the room. I squint against the harsh brightness but force myself to keep my eyes open as a rustling sound alerts me to visitors in my death hole. My eyes focus in on the intruders and I quickly recognise them as the Fairy Knights from the mall. Each looking as imposing as ever with their bodies created from the earth, tree roots twined together creating limbs and torsos, and all sorts of nature acting as clothing. The knight on my right has with brown stringy hair, while the other sports what could only be described as seaweed.

  “Where’s Kaylee?” I demand. “What do you want with us?”

  They smirk at me and neither attempts to answer my questions.

  “Tell me,” I snarl once again only to get nothing in response.

  Anger ripples through me and I rip my hands away from my binds with all my might, tearing the root away from the wall. With my hands still bound behind my back, but freed from the dirt wall, I shoot to my feet.

  The Knights flinch at my sudden freedom as I charge towards them while kicking my leg out to connect with the seaweed looking fairy. He snarls and backhands me. I fly backward and hit my back hard against the dirty wall. Tree roots and vines suddenly snake out from the wall, covering my body and pinning me in place as the brown stringy haired knight controls the vines movements.

  “Let me go,” I screech, kicking my legs out. The vines begin moving downwards, circling my legs and bringing pulling them back to the wall, effectively pinning my whole body.

  “I said ‘let me go’,” I repeat, struggling against the vines and roots, only causing them to tighten on my body, making my cuts and bruises ache.

  “Give up, child,” the seaweed knight says in a chilling tone. “You cannot win here.”

  “Why am I here?” I demand again.

  “In due time,” he replies, raising his own hand and sucking in a deep breath. The air in the room suddenly disappears, taking the breath right out of my lungs. Oh no, an air user. I struggle to hold onto consciousness as he robs me of my breath and all the oxygen in the room. For the second time today, my world turns black.


  I gasp for breath as freezing water is thrown over my body. My eyes snap open to find the two Fairy Knights hovering over me.

  “Good, you’re awake,” says the seaweed knight who stole my breath.

  “What do you want?” I demand.

  “Tsk, tsk,” the other says. “You’re in no position to be making demands, Miss Bianca Moore.”

  “What do you want?” I repeat.

  “Nothing,” the first guy smiles. “Your very presence is all we need.”

  “Ok,” I say. “You’re going to have to be a little more specific,” I snarl, because when all else fails, use sarcasm.

  “It has come to our attention that you are somewhat of a celebrity in your community and therefore have become The Guards little princess. Though, I have no idea why. I find you extremely repulsive.”

  “You’re really not making any sense. Why am I here?” I repeat for what must be the twelve time.

  “Our sources confirm The Guard plan on using you to create an army. We cannot allow that to happen,” he starts “They need you, and when they come for you. We will slaughter them,” he says.

  I scoff at their ridiculous plan.

  Annoyance burns in their eyes.

  “Do you laugh at us?” he orders.


  “Why?” the other demands.

  I smirk at them both. “I’ll tell you the great flaw in your plan once I see Kaylee.”

  They shoot unsure glances at each other and suddenly disappear from the room. I’m left hanging from the wall once again, in complete and utter darkness. Though, at least they didn’t knock me out this time.

  Moments later, the Knights return. Stringy brown haired guy holds a passed out Kaylee in his arms. He throws her to the ground and she lands with a hard thud at my feet, making me realize just how I acquired my bruised hip.

  “Talk,” Seaweed demands.

  “What have you done to her? Why is she not awake?” I snarl.

  “She’s fine,” seaweed says, stepping forward and kicking her roughly in the rib, she lets out a pained groan. “See,” he says. “Now talk.”

  I open my mouth to yell all sorts of threats and comments when a third figure appears in the room. My mouth practically gapes open. I’ve never met this woman, but I’ve heard about her over and over again during my Fairy classes. The Fairy Queen.

  Holy crap.

  I hardly know how to react. One part of me wants to lash out and smack her in the face while the other part of me is screaming not to do anything stupid.

  Seaweed and stringy brown hair immediately drop to their knees. “Your Majesty,” they say in greeting.

  She dismisses them and focuses her manipulative gaze on me. “Why is my guest bound to the wall?” she snarls in outrage.

  “Your majesty,” Seaweed stutters. “The child is dangerous,” he insists.

  “Release her,” she demands. The vines are instantly removed from my body, causing me to drop roughly to the floor. I immediately scramble over to Kaylee and check her over as I position myself protectively in front of her.

  “Bianca, dear. I’m so very pleased you’ve come to visit my kingdom,” she smiles.

  I scoff at her, causing rage to boil behind her eyes.

  “I believe you have some things to share with me,” she says, feigning innocence.

  “Yes,” I say, bluntly. “Your plan to ‘slaughter’ my people will never work.”

  “And why not, dear?”

  “Because I’m a nobody. The Guard treasure their children and their members. I am neither. I’m eighteen years old, an adult in The Guard’s eye, yet I have not graduated and am not officially part of their ranking. I was taken from a public area, so in the eyes of The Guard, I’m fair game,” I explain.

  She seems
thoughtful for a short moment. “No, they require you for their own selfish needs. They will come for you.”

  “You’re wrong. The people in the front lines die every day, we’re disposable. We’re The Guard’s weapons. If we’re caught or killed then we’re not considered worthy. They will cut their losses and move on. Your plan will fail, in fact, it already has failed.”

  “My dear, you must have more faith in your community,” she scolds.

  I ignore her comments as it’s none of her damn business what my views are on my people. Do I have faith in The Guard to come after me? Absolutely not. But do I respect their cause and am willing to give my life for it? Indeed, I am. “What will you do when they don’t come?” I ask, moving right along.

  “But they will, my child.”

  “I’m not your child. What’s going to happen?” I demand.

  Her eyes go frosty. “I have reigned this Kingdom for over three hundred years. You will respect me.”

  “You are not my Queen. I am being held here against my will. I will never respect you.”

  Her hand flies out, slapping across my face with such force I’m knocked off balance. The Knights tense beside her, sure that I’ll react, though while I have a smart mouth, I’m not stupid enough to attack the Fairy Queen.

  “Remove the stray,” she orders the Knights as she indicates towards Kaylee.

  Seaweed steps forward towards us and I reposition myself in front of him, prepared for anything. “Don’t touch her,” I snarl.

  “Move out of my way,” he snaps. Quickly launching out and throwing me hard against the wall. I slump to the floor, looking up to see Kaylee being pulled into his arms. He lightly presses his finger to his wrist and disappears out of the room.

  “No,” I cry. I face the Queen, finding myself suddenly alone in the room with her. “What will you do to her? To me?”

  “It’s quite simple,” she says, soothingly. “Once The Guard arrive, you and your friend will be slaughtered alongside your people. But not to fear, it will happen very quickly.”

  “And when they don’t show up?”

  “We have further plans for you if that were to be the case,” she says as a wicked gleam comes to her eyes.