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Rebels Advocate - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 2

  She looks up and down the bar before bringing those green eyes back to mine, only now, there’s a wicked sparkle deep within them. “Now.”

  Chapter 2


  I take the man by the hand and lead him to the supply closet. I pull the door open, drag him in behind me, and slam the door closed before flicking the lock. The second I laid my eyes on him, I knew I had to have him.

  The man looks like a walking orgasm. He has this whole dark smoldering thing about him and looks like the worst kind of boy, the kind you’d never bring home to meet your parents.

  I’m giddy with excitement, I can’t wait.

  He walked into the club and the second I saw him, I was flooded by this desperate need to screw his brains out. I never thought it’d actually happen though. I mean, what are the chances he’d strut across the dance floor with his smoldering eyes locked on mine? From the looks of him, he’s probably married or has a girlfriend, yet here he is, following me into the supply closet and letting me slam him up against the door.

  My hands fly to his shirt and I rip it up above his head. He’s tall so he helps me get it all the way off. The second the shirt falls to the floor, my hands come down on his sculptured body. Holy goodness. Men in real life just don’t look like this. I swear, he looks like one of those fitness models, only better. He’s got these huge shoulders that lead down to the widest chest I think I’ve ever seen, but it’s the abs and the ‘V’ that has me drooling like a damn fool. Mix that in with his handsome face and I’m putty in his capable hands.

  He grabs me around the waist and flips us around so it’s me being pressed up against the wall. I gasp as his lips come down on my neck. Wow, Mr. Walking Orgasm is bound to get me off before he’s even touched me. My arms wrap around his strong body and I dig my nails into his back, needing more. “What’s your name?” he murmurs against the skin of my neck.

  Fuck that. I’m far to consumed by his hands to bother with basic introductions. “Doesn’t matter,” I pant as his hands reach the hem of my tank top. He pulls it up over my head and flicks it behind him before reaching for my bra.

  “Fine by me,” he says as he makes quick work of my bra.

  Shit, we’ve been in here for maybe thirty seconds and I already feel like it’s taking too long. I need him to take the ache away like I know he will.

  His hand cups my breasts as his other winds down my back and grabs my ass. I get started on his jeans and it’s not long before they clatter to the ground. I reach down to take his length in my hand and I suck in a breath. The man is huge.

  He lets out a groan as he flicks the button on my jeans and begins pulling the tight fabric down then holds onto me as I attempt to step out of the tight bastards without falling over. The second my jeans are gone, he grips the fabric of my thong and rips it from my body.

  Fuck, that’s hot.

  He takes me by the waist and lifts. I wrap my legs around him and in the next instance, he slams into me. “Holy shit,” I gasp as he gets to work blowing my mind. I loop my arms under his and hold onto him for dear life.

  “Fuck, that’s good,” he says as he thrusts into me over and over again.

  He works my body in a way that it’s never been worked before and it’s a real shame that I’ll never see him again as a man like this is a gift to womankind.

  He pushes me harder against the door so he can free his hands and I find myself holding on even tighter. He brings a hand down in between us and presses his fingers to my clit. “Fuuuuck,” I groan as he starts drawing little circles with his fingers.

  His other hand takes my breast and he plays with my nipple between his fingers, sending all my nerves on fire. My body is already completely wound up when he pinches my nipple. I let out an excited gasp.

  I’ve never had sex quite like this before. It’s electrifying. It’s hot and downright incredible. He adjusts his position and suddenly he’s so much deeper. He groans and the sound does ridiculous things to my body.

  My orgasm creeps up on me and I know I don’t have long before I explode, and I can tell, this is not going to be a regular explosion. This is going to be earth-shattering. Hell, the zombie apocalypse could be happening outside this door and I would have no fucking clue. “I’m going to come,” I warn him as my nails dig in so much deeper.

  “Hold on to it, baby,” he tells me through clenched teeth.

  Seeing this stranger right on the edge is the sexiest thing I’ve seen and I need more, so I do my best, that is until he presses down harder on my clit.

  I explode. I mean, I don’t just explode. My whole fucking world detonates. It’s then made that much better as I watch him come. His fingers dig into my skin and I bite down on his shoulder to keep myself from screaming out. He continues moving in and out as I ride out my orgasm.

  Wow, just wow.

  I fall back against the door and he comes with me. His lips come to my neck and he kisses me as we catch our breaths. “That… wow. That was incredible,” I tell him.

  “You got that right,” he murmurs before raising his head back off me. He eases out of me and my legs unwind from his waist. He keeps hold of me until I’m safely on my feet. He reaches back and with a grin, he hands me my tank. “Thanks,” I say, unable to wipe the smile off my face.

  “Anytime,” he tells me with a cocky attitude.

  Usually, I’d be doing my best to knock that attitude out of a guy, but this one deserves it. I mean, he did a really, really good job.

  I find my jeans on the floor and pull them on as he gets himself dressed. I look myself up and down and make sure I look somewhat presentable before grabbing my torn thong off the ground. I reach for the handle and mentally prepare myself for how I’m ever going to enjoy sex again.

  He grabs my elbow, halting my exit. I turn back to him to see him holding out a business card. He hands it over with a smirk. “Call me,” he says.

  I step into him and make a show of sliding the business card into his shirt pocket. “Sorry, but no,” I say. I am not a repeat performance kind of girl. I don’t date, I don’t do boyfriends. I don’t put up with shit that could possibly burn me. No thank you.

  He wraps his hand around my waist, holding me to him as he takes the business card out of his shirt pocket and slides his hand around my body and down to my ass. He slips it into the pocket of my jeans, looking extremely smug about himself. “Call me,” he repeats.

  I shake my head but I can’t help smiling up at him. God, this guy is charming. I’m going to regret not doing this again, but as I said, I’m not looking for anything.

  I step back out of his arms, not bothering to give the card back. I can already see how that is going to play out and it’s just easier if I toss it away later.

  I grab the door handle and give it a twist. With one final look at the walking orgasm, I step out of the supply closet and close the door behind me.

  I make it all of three steps before one of my waitresses walks past me and barges her way into the closet. Fuck, that was close. I hear her squeal as she comes face to face with the sexiest man on the planet before she curses him out.

  I grin to myself as I disappear up the hallway. I peek back over my shoulder to find his eyes still heavily on me. Needs slams into me once again and I find myself wondering how the hell he does it.

  I force my eyes away before turning the corner and walking past the bar. I head out the back and push through the door to my office. I fall down into my desk chair with a sigh. I’ve never felt so satisfied in my life.

  I give myself ten minutes to swoon before I force the memory to the back of my mind. It’s time to move on.

  I get stuck into my work. I opened The Dark Room three years ago and as the most popular club in the area, it’s doing amazing, but that comes with a lot of responsibility. Work is never done and I absolutely love it.

  The Dark Room is my baby.

  When we first opened, it was one of the only clubs around and was packed every single night. Going from
nothing to capacity so quickly was a shock, especially as we tried to nail out all the finer details like how many staff we needed, how much stock we needed, blah, blah, blah. We worked our asses off and it paid off as three years later, we’re still rocking the title of the best club in Denver.

  I finish off the staff roster for next week and pin it up on my board before flicking through a shit load of resumes. A knock sounds at my door before I hear my best friend’s voice on the other side. “Rylee, you in here?” she questions. Cami comes barging through, not waiting for a response. “Where the hell have you been? One minute you’re at the bar and then you’re gone.”

  I grin up at her and just like that, she knows exactly where I was. “Are you serious?” she grunts. “One of these days you’re going to pick up a disease.”

  “Shut up,” I laugh as she notices the roster on the board. “I’m fine.”

  Cami rolls her eyes as she pulls out her phone and takes a quick photo of the roster before grinning to herself. “I got the good shifts,” she murmurs.

  “I know,” I laugh. “I did it on purpose.” Cami already has a full-time job. She owns a clothing store but refuses to give up working here. She absolutely loves it and I would never take that away from her, so I give her the good shifts as often as I possibly can so she doesn’t exhaust herself.

  “Tell me about the supply closet guy,” she tells me as she falls into the couch in my office. “Was he a dud like last week’s guy?

  A smile lights up my face. I know I said I would forget about it, but who am I to deny my best friend the seamy details? “Far out, Cam. It was amazing. This guy. Wow.”

  “Who was it?” she questions.

  I look over at my computer screen and flick across to the security footage. I find the section he was sitting in with his friends and find him still there. “Here,” I say, turning the screen for Cami to see. She gets up off the couch and comes as close to the screen as possible. “He’s at table four. The one with the dark hair and white shirt.”

  “Oh, he’s hot,’ she says. “I need a better look.” With that, she practically runs out of my office. I watch on the screen as she darts up the hallway, heads through the kitchen and out past the bar. She walks across the dance floor and right up to his table before clearing all the empty glasses.

  Cami turns around and looks right up into the camera with a big cheesy grin before pretending to fan herself. I laugh as she drops off the empty glasses at the bar and makes her way back to my office. “Holy shit, Ry,” she squeals as she barges back through the door. “That whole table is like… fuck, I don’t even know what it’s like. I could hardly talk. I stuttered for fuck's sake.”

  Cami collapses onto the couch with a yawn. “Your guy was hot, but did you see the blonde?”

  “He’s not my guy,” I correct her.

  She rolls her eyes and ignores my comment. “Did you see him?”

  “No,” I tell her. “I was a little preoccupied being screwed within an inch of my life.”

  Another yawn comes ripping through her, though this time it comes with the sound effects. “You have to get back out there and have a look.”

  Her yawns are contagious and I glance up at the clock. They don’t need me here any longer. I dig through my desk drawer and pull out my handbag before closing down my computer. I get up and loop my bag over my shoulder. “Come on, I’m tired. Let me take you home. You can show me this guy.”

  Her whole face lights up as she jumps to her feet. She slips her arm through mine and we walk out together

  We come out past the bar and her eyes instantly fall on the table. I can’t help but look that way and see the guy sitting at the edge of the booth. He has some blonde chick sitting on his lap who’s trying her hardest to gain his attention, but he’s not playing into her charm.

  For Cami’s sake, I tear my eyes away from Mr. Walking Orgasm and move across the table to the blonde guy. I instantly understand her attraction. She’s always been into the blonde surfer looking type and he’s just that.

  I look back to her to find her already grinning at me. “Well? I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “Yes,” I laugh. “He’s hot, but he’s got nothing on my guy.”

  “I thought you said he isn’t your guy,” she says with a big fucking smug grin on her pretty face.

  I resist the urge to push her into the people on the dance floor as we make our way to the door. “He’s not my guy,” I repeat, but I can’t help but look back one last time, only now, his dark smoldering gaze is burning a hole right through me.

  We make it to the door and I find it impossible to look away. I mean, the guy is captivating. The corner of his mouth lifts up into a smirk as he realizes the hold he has over me. I want to curse myself out for being so obvious, but then, what does it matter? It’s not like I’ll ever be seeing him again.

  Chapter 3


  Cami and I walk out to my car while she swoons over Mr. Walking Orgasm's blonde friend. “God,” she sighs. “I can only imagine how good he’d be in bed.”

  “Well, if he’s anything like his friend, I’m sure it would be the best night of your life.”

  “Night?” she scoffs. “A guy like that, you keep around for a while.”

  I roll my eyes as I search through my overfilled handbag for my car keys. “Shit,” I groan as my hand explores every crevice of the bag. “I swear, I put them back in here.”

  “Maybe you left them on your desk,” Cami suggests. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “Nah, I’m certain they’re – Uh huh,” I grin as I proudly yank the offending keys out of my bag and practically fist pump them into the air. “Got them.”

  Cami laughs as I point the fuckers towards the car and press the button to unlock it. Cami’s eyes widen in fear but it comes a moment too late. Something is slammed into my back and I’m shoved up against the hard metal of my car. It doesn’t take long to realize that it’s a man. My keys are ripped from my hand as Cami starts to scream.

  Her screams are cut off the second the man pulls a knife and presses it against my neck. “Shut up, bitch or your friend gets it.”

  Cami whimpers as I clench my eyes closed. Crap. Fear rattles me but I don’t dare move. I hear nothing but the sound of my own pulse thumping through my body. I don’t know what this guy wants, but I’d give anything for him to just go away. The cold metal of the blade presses against my skin, but not hard enough to draw blood.

  My eyes flick over to Cami who has tears in her eyes and her hands raised. She’s clearly just as terrified as I am and looks like she’s about to be sick.

  The man grabs the handle for my handbag and rips it down my shoulder. I desperately want to fight him, but with the knife resting against my neck, I let it go. It would be insanity to fight it. Next, he grabs the rings off my fingers and the chain around my neck.

  I let out a breath as I realize he’s just mugging us. This is completely fucked up, but it could be worse. So much worse.

  “Right,” he says, turning towards Cami with the knife still held against me. “You’re next.”

  Cami moves like lightning as she strips herself of her bag and jewelry and tosses it at our feet. “Please, just take it and leave,” she begs as the tears stream down her pretty face.

  The guy holds onto me as he bends down and scoops Cami’s things up into his arms. As soon as he straightens himself out, he pushes me into Cami with such force, we both go tumbling down to the street.

  My hands and knees get scrapped up as Cami goes down on her ass. I whip my head around to find where the guy had gone to hear the engine of my car roaring to life moments before he peels out of the parking lot.

  “Holy shit, Ry,” Cami cries as she pulls me into her arms and starts checking my neck. “Are you ok?”

  “I…,” I look up at Cami before looking back at the empty parking spot where my car used to be. “I… um, yeah, I think I’m alright. You?” I ask as we get to our feet.

Yeah,” she says as she dusts herself off. “I’m ok. Just freaked out. Can we get out of here?”

  “It’s like you read my mind,” I say, shakily as I latch onto her hand and head back into The Dark Room. I can’t help but keep looking back over my shoulder, making sure no other fuckers are about to jump out at us.

  We head in through the back door, avoiding the hundreds of partiers and sit down in my office. “What are we going to do about your car?” Cami asks as I reach for the phone on my desk. I dial 911 as I look up at Cami. “Nothing. That’s what insurance is for.”

  She nods her head as I get through to an emergency operator. I explain the situation and within ten minutes, there are cops showing up at my club. They’re ushered back to my office and while I’m thankful they’re here, it’s not great for business. The club closes in another hour, but their presence means we’ll most likely be closing a little early tonight.

  The cops take our statements and take a copy of the surveillance footage from the parking lot, though, I had a look at it myself and they’re not going to get much from it. Once the cops are done, they offer us a lift home which we greedily accept. I pluck my spare set of keys out of my desk drawer and get a move on.

  “Can I stay at your place?” Cami asks as we walk out to the police cruiser. “I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

  “Of course,” I say as I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into me. “I could use the company too.”

  She looks like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. I have a thick skin and shit like this usually bounces straight back off me. I don’t like to dwell on the past. I like to deal with it and move on, but not Cami. She’s going to be picturing it over and over again for the next few weeks and I dare say, she’ll probably curl into a ball at some point.

  The cops drop us home and even go as far to usher us to my front door. I thank them and they remind us to cancel our bank cards and call the insurance company.