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Broken Hill Honor: The Broken Hill High Series (Novella 5.5) Page 2

  I watch her make her way around the table and just like every other time I walk behind her, my eyes always rake over her perfectly sexy body before coming to a stop on that delectable ass. It’s fucking perfect. Round and perky sitting in her white dress showing off the natural curves that make my mouth water.

  I grow hard just looking at it and when she looks back over her shoulder, catching me out and giving me a secretive smile that knocks my socks off and suggests that we’ll be escaping somewhere private to have our own personal celebration, I’m a goner. Fucking rock hard.

  Fuck me. I’ve been staring at that ass since I was twelve and no matter what, it never gets old. Pure fucking perfection.

  Tora turns back to find a seat and my dick starts getting uncomfortable in my jeans, leaving me no choice but to adjust myself. I discreetly fix myself up, hoping no one gets an eyeful of the hard on I’ve got going on in my pants and get back to making my way around the table.

  A voice sounds next to me and I look down to find mom with an amused smirk playing on her lips. “Keep it classy,” she grins before pressing her lips into a tight line, trying with everything she has not to laugh and draw attention to us.

  Fucking great. My mom saw me adjusting my hard on.

  I close my eyes as the shame takes over. This is not how I had hoped the start of this night would go, but at least I no longer have to worry about inappropriate wood. The second my mother’s voice cut through my stare, it was long gone.

  Tora takes a seat on the side of the table which gives her the best view out the floor to ceiling windows which span the entire back wall of the restaurant, and naturally, I can’t help but fall in beside her.

  She looks across at me and gives me a beaming smile before glancing out the window and taking in the spectacular view of the sun setting over the ocean, casting the sky in a mix of purple, pink, and orange tones.

  My hand finds her leg under the table and rests there as her hand comes down on top of mine. She entwines our fingers and I don’t doubt that’s exactly where our hands will remain for the night. With one quick squeeze of her fingers, she lets me know exactly what she’s feeling and I can’t help but admire her as she continues taking in the sunset, committing it to memory.

  The rest of our group takes their seats and it’s not long before drinks are poured and glasses are raised to Tora. Her dad gives one hell of a speech which has her beaming with pride while both her mom and mine get watery eyes and give Tora one of those ‘I can’t believe you’re so grown up’ looks.

  And then… It’s Jesse’s turn.

  He stands at the end of the table and to be honest, I’m surprised he isn’t standing on top of the thing. Though, I bet if we weren’t in a restaurant he would be. Tora squeezes my hand, knowing just as well as I do that this could go many different ways, each with her being embarrassed by my little brother while he also manages to make her feel like the most special creature on this green earth. “Tora, Tora, Tora,” he starts, grabbing his glass and raising it. “What can I say? It’s about time you fucking graduated.”

  “Jesse,” mom shrieks, horrified by his choice of words. “Watch your language.”

  Jess looks at mom and scoffs, but the playful grin on his face is nearly enough to draw a smile out of all of us… nearly. “You know, I don’t know why you bother reprimanding me. It didn’t work at seventeen and it sure as hell isn’t going to work now.”

  “Old habits,” mom mumbles to herself, shaking her head while trying not let on just how embarrassed she is. I mean, raising us, she’s had to deal with all sorts of shit, but cursing in front of company… that’s the one thing she’s never been able to come to terms with.

  Jesse turns back to Tora, shooting his glass up high once again. “Where was I?” he smirks, knowing damn well exactly where he was. “Ah, that’s right. I was just about to tell everyone that even though you would message me nearly every day, complaining about how hard it was, how much your lectures sucked, how you were ready to throw in the towel, and how much you wished you’d dated me instead of Nate, you somehow managed to come out the other end with a diploma. And it’s about fucking time. I don’t think I could handle your complaining any longer.”

  Tora rolls her eyes and scoffs. We all know that I was the only one she ever complained to about her workload, and we all know that it was a very rare occurrence. Tora made a point of not complaining about it, knowing that I’d use it against her to try and get that fine ass of hers back to Broken Hill.

  Tora looks to Kaylah, interrupting whatever Jesse was about to start rambling about. “Are you sure you picked the right guy? It’s not too late to back out.”

  “Hey,” Jesse demands, getting distracted. “She has my ring on her finger and my baby in her guts. Believe me, it’s way too late for her to back out. But you on the other hand… you should be running for the hills. Have you ever met the troll sitting beside you? Run. Run fast.”

  Tora laughs as I grab a French fry off my plate and launch it across the table, grinning as it lands in his glass, splashing wine up all over his face. “Get on with your speech,” I tell him.

  Jesse drags his hand down his face, wiping up the splashed wine before fixing me with a stare that suggests he’s going to kick my ass later, but he should know better by now. He can’t kick my ass. He tries, over and over again, and yet, he will never succeed. I guess that’s just the bonus that comes with being the eldest. Besides, he spends his days cooped up in an office, ordering people around while I spend my days lifting engines and being physical. He’s got no chance.

  I raise my chin and let the grin settle onto my face, rising to the challenge, and just like that, he knows he’s fucked, but it’s not going to stop him from trying. That’s what makes him so damn loveable. He stands up for what he believes in no matter what the cost and never gives up while also fiercely loving and protecting the people he cares for. It’s ingrained deep within him and it’s what makes me certain he’s going to make a great father.

  Knowing now’s not the time for us to throw down across the table, Jesse turns back to Tora. “As I was saying,” he announces proudly. “Even though you’ve decided to make yourself suffer by attaching yourself to my brother, I know that you’re going to make up for that by being the best goddamn lawyer this country has ever seen.”

  Jesse raises his glass along with everyone else at the table. “But…” he adds. “When Kaylah comes to her senses and tries to divorce me, you better stay the hell away from her.”

  “Deal,” Tora laughs as Kaylah rolls her eyes and cradles her swollen stomach.

  “Can we get on with it?” she says, tugging Jesse’s jacket and pulling him back into his seat. “I’m starving.”

  “Geez,” Jackson laughs from across the table. “You’re always hungry. I wouldn’t be surprised if this baby comes out the size of a house.”

  Kaylah narrows her eyes on her brother. “Why don’t you come over here and say that?”

  Both of Jackson’s hands fly up in surrender. “Reel in the claws, kitty. Your bitch is showing.”

  “Seriously?” Jesse scolds Jackson with a heavy groan. “Don’t rev her up. I’m the one who’s going to have to hear about it later and believe me, it’s not going to be pretty.”

  “Oh, my god,” mom groans. “Would all you idiots shut up? You’re ruining Tora’s night.”

  “No, really,” Tora laughs. “Let them bicker. It takes the attention off me.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Tora’s mom tells her. “This is your night. The attention is supposed to be on you.”

  “You know I hate it,” she says.

  “Tough luck,” I grumble beside her. “Tonight is yours and nothing you say or do is going to change that. Look around you,” I add. “All these people are here because they love you and want to celebrate this awesome thing you’ve just done. Don’t let them down, let them fawn all over you for a night. Live it up.”

  Tora rolls her eyes and just like that, she gives in beca
use no matter how she feels about the spotlight being on her, she’d never let anything get in the way of making her friends and family happy. And if letting them dote on her for a night is what’s going to do that, then that’s what she’s going to do.

  “You suck,” she murmurs beside me, knowing I just exploited her weakness.

  “You can punish me for it later.”

  “Oh, I intend to,” she tells me, instantly making a hundred different scenarios play through my mind, each and every one of them a different way I can take her. I’m thinking on the dining table tonight. Maybe in the shower too. Hell, I better hit every room of the house as it’ll be the last night she ever lives there. We’ve got to farewell the place properly.

  A laugh bubbles up her throat as she looks at me and shakes her head, seeing the desire in my eyes. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Nathaniel Ryder.”

  A grin rips across my face. “Can’t help it,” I tell her. “Not where you’re concerned.”

  “Tell me,” she says quietly beside me, for only me to hear. “What do you plan on doing to me tonight?”

  My hand slides up her leg and I watch her suck in a breath the closer I get to the promised land. She catches it right before it slips down between her thighs. “Trust me,” I murmur, desperately wanting to nuzzle my face in that soft skin of her neck. “It’s not a conversation you’re prepared to have here.”

  “I can take it,” she tells me.

  “Oh, believe me, I know you can take it,” I say. “What you can’t do is sit here for the rest of the night pretending you’re not thinking about it. Wanting it. Needing it.”

  Her thighs press together, locking our hands between them, needing to release the ache my words have stirred up within her. “Shit,” she groans as the desire starts to pour out through her eyes.

  I can’t help it.

  I can’t see my girl desperately needing something and not give it to her.

  My hand pulls free of her clenched thighs and I watch her reaction as my fingers curl around the hem of her skirt, bunching up the fabric and sliding it up her leg. Her eyes widen, realizing exactly what I plan to do.

  She shakes her head with wide eyes, terrified of being caught, but the intense desire is still there, only getting stronger. When she bites down on her bottom lip, I know she can’t resist any longer.

  My hand slides down under the lacy thong which I know she wore solely for my benefit. Her hand remains resting on top of mine and when my fingers push between her folds and run across her clit, her nails dig into my skin. When my fingers push deep inside her, it takes everything she’s got not to scream out.

  I start working her body the way I know she likes. I watch her trying her hardest to keep cool, smiling and laughing along with the conversation flowing around the table while beneath it, she’s going wild with desperation.

  I feel her walls starting to contract around me and the harder her nails dig into my skin, the closer she becomes. I push down on her clit and slowly massage it, loving the way her body reacts to my touch.

  She explodes.

  Her walls clench down around my fingers, desperately trying to hold them captive while her legs begin to shake. Her claws retract from my skin but don’t be fooled, the second she catches her breath, they’re right there again as she rides out her orgasm.

  Tora’s eyes meet mine as I slip my fingers out of her. There’s nothing but shocked relief and astonishment in her eyes, still not wanting to believe that just happened at the dinner table, surrounded by our friends and family. A smile pulls at her lips and she’s trying her hardest to keep from bursting out.

  She clears her throat and fixes her skirt under the table before standing. “I… ah, need the restroom,” she announces to the table.

  Tora makes a hasty run for it with Kaylah telling her to wait up, which is when I notice Jackson looking after Tora with a strange curiosity. He looks at me, back to Tora, then me again which is when understanding dawns. He knows exactly what went down and the way he grins, chuckles, and shakes his head tells me he’d probably have done the same thing had Elle been here.

  Chapter 3

  We step through the door of our home in Broken Hill and I swear, having Tora walk through it with her bag of belongings in my hand and her diploma safely in hers is the best feeling in the world. That chapter of our lives is finally over.

  We can now move on to bigger and better things, like making her my wife.

  She had made me promise not to ask her until she had graduated and well, I don’t intend on waiting long. Not long at all.

  I usher her through the door and drop the bag at the front.

  After her graduation dinner, Jesse and Jackson convinced us that it was the best idea to find a club and celebrate in a true Ryder fashion, though, he sent Kaylah back with the parents, not wanting her anywhere near a club in case she was to fall or pop a baby out on the dance floor.

  We stayed out until three in the morning and then came stumbling through the door to her empty home, only to crash on the living room floor with only one pillow and our body heat to keep each other warm.

  The house had been packed up the few days leading up to graduation and only that morning did the truck get filled and sent on its way back here. The removers sure made a mess of our garage as we weren’t here to tell them where to put everything, but that’s a problem for another day. One I’d happily tackle with Tora.

  We spent the night on the floor and I gave her every last piece of me as I pushed up into her. When we woke up this morning, we realized we’d slept most of the morning away and then had a mad dash to get to the airport for our flight.

  We handed the keys back to the realtor and now, here we are, happy to be home.

  We walk in through the foyer and into the kitchen where Tora places her diploma down on the table. I grab her around the waist and haul her up onto it. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you home.”

  Her arms come down around my neck as she leans into me. “I bet I’m happier to be home.”

  “Not possible,” I tell her.

  She looks around and checks out the back window. “Where’s little Jesse?” she asks, referring to our golden Labrador who is definitely no longer a puppy.

  “Brooke’s been watching him for the last few days. She’s going to drop him home tomorrow. Give you a chance to get in and unpack everything first.”

  Tora’s lips come down on mine and it’s like coming full circle. She’s finally here, in my arms, right where she belongs. “I fucking love you,” I murmur against her lips, absolutely loving her sweet taste.

  She rests her forehead against mine and breathes me in. “I thought those three years were never going to end,” she tells me with her eyes closed, taking pleasure in being in my arms. “I could never be away from you like that again. I missed you too much.”

  “Like I’d ever let that happen,” I tell her, sliding my hands down her body until they’re firmly on her ass.

  I lift her off the table and she squeals out in surprise as she locks her legs around my waist. “What are you doing?” she laughs. “I have to unpack.”

  “Screw unpacking. We have all the time in the world for that. I’ve missed you in our bed,” I tell her. “Nothing is more beautiful than seeing you naked in our sheets, laying on your stomach, with sexed up hair and the sheet just covering your ass. It’s fucking stunning,” I say, “but when the afternoon sun comes streaming through the window and casts a shadow down your spine right after I’ve been inside you…It’s a fucking wet dream.”

  “You really have a way with words,” she mumbles, looking down at me as I carry her up the stairs.

  “Just saying it like it is,” I tell her, running my fingers down her spine and loving the way a shiver takes over her skin.

  I push through the door of our room and just as I had hoped, the sun is streaming through the window, casting the afternoon glow over our bed and I just know that watching her on top of me is going to be a sight I�
�ll never get enough of.

  My lips come down on hers as her fingers start pulling at my shirt. We crash down onto the mattress which is exactly where we stay for the rest of the afternoon.

  The sun begins to set on Broken Hill as we lay in a mess of sheets and limbs. Tora’s head rests against my chest, listening to the steady rhythm of my heartbeat as my fingers draw circles on her thigh which is propped up over my hip. “What do you say I take you out for dinner?”

  “Really?” she grumbles, splaying her fingers over my chest. “Wouldn’t you prefer staying in bed all night, watching a movie, and ordering take out?”

  Fuck, that sounds good. I shake my head. “Not tonight,” I tell her. “I want to celebrate. Just you and me. I finally got you home and I want to do it right. We have the rest of our lives to stay in bed and watch movies.”

  “Where will we go?” she questions. “Can I dress up?”

  “It’s a surprise, and I fucking beg you to dress up,” I tell her, imagining the way she’ll look in her backless silver dress that I know is her favorite. She usually hates dressing up, but after all the upper-class auctions she’s had to attend over the last few years, she’s gotten used to it, and besides, she knows it’s a special occasion so why not dress up?

  “I think I’ll wear the silver one,” she tells me. “But you have to wear a suit.”

  “Got yourself a deal, babe.”

  “Do I have time to shower?”

  “Only if you plan on taking me with you.”

  She climbs up off the bed and takes my hand, dragging me with her. “Look who’s got himself a deal now,” she chuckles with a grin that makes me want to take her all over again.

  We get into the bathroom and I consider shaving but I know she likes the stubble, and besides, add the stubble with the suit and I can guarantee she’ll be putty in my hands.

  We have a quick shower, somehow managing to keep our hands off one another and an hour later, I’m standing in the kitchen watching her come down the stairs looking like a fucking queen.