Decimate: The Guard Trilogy Read online

Page 23

  The Vampires stand around impatiently as they wait for the Fey to show up. Fights break out amongst them and they manage to take out at least twenty of their own before the battle has even begun.

  I take this very moment to thank whoever it is out there for making it such a windy day, as the wind blows in from the opposite direction, pushing the scent of human blood further away. I also take a moment to silently thank the extremely moronic nature of the vampire, as if they would all shut up and pay attention, they could probably hear the steady beats of four hundred hearts in the forest around them. But then again, I’d assume the majority of these vampires are newbies and wouldn’t recognize the difference between a human heart beat and an animals. Like I said. Moronic.

  In a sudden show of force, the fey suddenly appear, catching the attention of every vampire and human around and I’m shocked to see such a huge group of fairies at once, at least two hundred. Now, if we could take them all out, it would be a game changer. But still, I’m not too concerned, two hundred fey and now one hundred and eighty vampires against the four hundred soldiers of the Front Lines. This will definitely be interesting

  “Thank you for coming,” a dark voice says, sending chills down my spine. I immediately straighten as I zone in looking for the face to go with the chilling voice. Damn it. “It’s our pleasure to announce that together, we will take down The Guard and we will rule the free world,” he roars then continues to go on and on about how they will rule and eliminate the human race, yadda, yadda, yadda.

  “What’s wrong?” Rylan whispers right beside my ear. His proximity soothes me and gives me courage.

  I indicate with my head toward the Fairy Knight who’s currently talking, wanting to avoid as much talking as possible as to not alert our enemies of our presence. “He’s the one who took me from the mall, him and the brown hair one beside him,” I tell him as softly as possible, not taking my eyes off the fairy.

  Rylan nods as his face sets to stone and I know without a doubt, Rylan will be the one to take those two out.

  The Fairy addressing the vampires begins to wrap up his speech and I watch as Rylan raises his gun, the rest of the front line follow suit. Rylan holds up his hand, fingers outstretched, our signal to wait. We do just that, waiting for Rylan to give the go ahead. The vampires begin to turn and Rylan makes his move, his hand snaps into a fist and suddenly four hundred men and women dressed in black tactical uniforms swarm the clearing, making a thick line to the exit of the park, holding four hundred guns up in protest.

  The vampires and Fey halt their progression as they take in our show of force. Gasps and horrified screeches come from the back of the pile which I assume to be some of the regular fey, along for the ride.

  “What is the meaning of this?” The lead fairy Knight says.

  Rylan takes one step forward, indicating that he’s the leader here. “What is the meaning of this?” he asks, throwing the Fey’s words back at him as he indicates towards the crowd of vampires. “Creating a vampire army is illegal and you must be punished.”

  The Fairy Knight hesitantly looks over the Front Line, easily making the calculations that our numbers are similar to theirs, though considering the vampires strength and the fey magic capabilities, while practically non-existent outside of their Kingdom, is still there. I see the moment he makes his decision. He will still go ahead.

  “You child, need to learn you place,” the fairy snaps at Rylan. “How dare you intrude on our meeting after murdering our Queen.”

  “We have simply come to right some wrongs,” Rylan says as innocently as ever.

  “The only wrong done here is the death of our Queen,” he says, driving home the point, that yes, Rylan did kill their Queen. Some of the fey begin to flee, pressing a finger to their left wrist and disappearing into thin air, leaving maybe one hundred and fifty of them.

  Rylan smiles. “I’d do it all again, given the chance, of course,” he taunts as he tries to make more of the fey stick around.

  Oh God, waiting them out sucks. Get on with it already. All we need is for them to attack first and in the eyes of The Guard law, we’re good. Hmm…..

  I lower one hand off my gun, as slowly as possible so I don’t draw attention to myself and reach down to my belt, right where my silver dagger hangs firmly against my thigh. I slide my finger down the edge of the blade until I come to the sharp tip at the end. I press my finger into the tip and give it a quick flick, cutting the tip of my finger and drawing enough blood to gain the attention of the vampires, I squeeze my finger and let the blood freely drip into the dewy grass.

  I smirk as a gust of heavy wind blows back in their direction and watch as the scent of human blood truly hits them. A frenzy begins and they instantly rush forward, but we’re ready. Guns aimed, the front row lets loose, taking out at least eighty vampires before they reach us.

  The Fairy knight suddenly appears right before Rylan. “I will be the one to avenge my Queen,” he snarls as he moves forward into Rylan.

  Rylan does nothing but smirk as his hand lashes out with such speed, instantly slicing the Knights throat. He falls to the ground a moment later with a shocked expression.

  “I would have liked to do to him what he did to you, but we don’t really have the time,” Rylan grunts to me as he grabs a vampire by the arm and yanks him back into him, easily taking him out. I step up so I’m side by side with Rylan once again and jump straight into the hand to hand combat. Pulling my dagger free and going nuts.

  I’m distantly aware of more regular fey disappearing out of fear, but I know in my gut that the Knights and Warriors still linger around. I’m faced with vampire after vampire and I do my best not to take in what I’m actually doing and just concentrate on the job at hand. I’ll have time to go over my actions later.

  I hear the familiar grunts of my classmates and know that, at least for now, they are all still ok.

  I fight back to back with Rylan, catching his fast, lethal movements. I take a mental snapshot and file it away in my ‘things to think about later’ file. God, that man is a machine. I stay right by him, just as he instructed, taking on as many vampires as possible, and the occasional Fairy Knight, who I must say, I take down in quite a brutal way, though, they deserved it. We begin to work as a team, Rylan taking them out from behind if he finishes with his quick enough. I try to do the same for him, but let’s be honest, he’s just too good.

  The battle rages on and I know if I was in training, I’d certainly be exhausted by now, but the adrenaline keeps me going. Hell, I don’t even know if I have any injuries, I’m sure I probably do, but that’s another thing I’ll worry about later.

  A fist is slammed into my stomach and I’m launched through the air. I don’t fly far as I tumble into the fray of the other fights around me. I steady myself and focus every ounce of attention on the bastard before me. The old vampire is on me in no time and I know he isn’t stuffing around. I launch myself forward once again, kicking my boot into his chest, he blocks my kick by throwing it away like it is nothing and I realize just how strong this guy is.

  He continues stalking me, his eyes pulsating a sickening shade of red. I give it everything I’ve got, but he continues swatting me away like a fly. Somehow, I end up on the ground and the vampire comes down on top of me. Shit. This is it. Fear swims through my veins as I take my last breath. “I’m going to enjoy you,” he grins as he begins to lean over me, his fangs slicing into the delicate skin of my neck.

  “Over my dead body,” Rylan snarls from behind him, bringing his dagger down so hard, I see it protruding from the front if his chest, perfectly piercing his heart. Rylan pulls his dagger free and tosses the vampire to the ground beside me with a thump. He offers his hand to me and hauls me to my feet, quickly checking over my wound. “You ok?” he asks, getting straight back into the battle.

  “Yeah. Thanks. I need more strength work,” I grunt to Rylan as I face another vampire.

  “Yeah,” he replies. “I noticed that.�

  We continue on for what could have been minutes or hours and I make sure to glue myself to Rylan’s back. There’s no way in hell I’m allowing myself to get that close to a vampire's fangs again.

  I hear a terrified scream behind me and I turn to help. I find Luke on the ground with a vampire happily feeding on his neck. “No,” I yell as I dive towards them, jumping on the vampires back and bringing my dagger hard across his throat. The vampire crumples to the ground with a sick gurgling noise. I quickly look over Luke and hope he’s only unconscious and not dead.

  Rylan brings his fight over to me, so we can better protect Luke’s body and I notice both Tom and Alex do the same thing.

  At least another hour later, the battle seems to be dwindling down, though we don’t stop until every last vampire and Fairy in the vicinity is dead.

  I look around frantically for any more, but stop when I realize it’s finally over. I take in the scene before me and tears begin to fly as I realize that there are not only Vampire and Fairy bodies on the ground, but some of our own. The tears grow thicker as I realize we must have lost at least forty soldiers.

  A warm hand is placed on mine “Come on,” his soothing voice says. I look up into Rylan’s eyes and see the same misery in his. “You don’t need to see this,” he says, motioning to the officials who have shown up to dispose of all the bodies.

  I take a deep breath which apparently is a mistake as I take in the smell of blood heavy in the air and my heart breaks all over again.

  I let Rylan lead me away and notice out of the corner of my eye, Alex leaning over Luke’s body. I stop in my tracks which also brings Rylan to a stop. He glances back, taking in what I’m seeing. “It’s ok, he’s just unconscious. He’ll be fine.”

  I nod and turn away from the boys. “I didn’t realize I’d care so much,” I mumble.

  “It’s funny the things you realize about yourself when you’re in battle,” he says.

  I agree in silence as we continue making our way out of the park, dodging fallen bodies and pools of blood. We head back through the forest on exhausted legs and wait by the car for the rest of our people to return.

  “You’re pretty banged up,” he says looking over my body.

  “Yeah?” I ask. “I honestly can’t feel it. I think I’ve got too much adrenaline going through my body.”

  “You’ll notice it later,” he says. “Especially your neck. You’ll have to get a shot for that.”

  A shiver runs down my back at the thought of taking a shot, but if it’s got to be done, then it’s got to be done. I turn and study myself in the car window and realize Rylan is right, I am indeed banged up. My hair is definitely not in a nice, neat little bun anymore, I have dirt and grime smeared over my face and body, my arms are covered in cuts and bruises, and then there’s my neck, which I’m sure will need a few stitches. I’m just lucky he missed the artery.

  I cringe at the sight of myself, wishing I could just climb in a shower, but I know that won’t be for a very long time. First, we will have to debrief, then I’m sure Rylan will drag me to the infirmary which will take the rest of the day and only after that will I be free to clean myself up.

  “You did great,” he says as more soldiers begin to return. The abandon parking lot, filling up quickly.

  I smile and nod. “Yeah, but you were amazing,” I say then add quietly. “And pretty sexy, too.”

  He rolls his eyes at my admiration and begins ushering me into his car, though I don’t miss his smug smirk. Yep. He knows he’s the man.

  Sure enough, two hours later, I sit in the packed infirmary waiting to be stitched up. “Maybe I should come back in the morning when everybody else has been seen. Their injuries seem so much worse,” I say, looking around the waiting room and taking in the deep gashes and broken bones that fill the room.

  “No,” he responds. “Dr. Mandoza will get around to you. Just be patient.”

  I huff in frustration, desperately wanting to go and have a shower, but none the less, I wait the painstakingly long few hours for Dr. Mandoza to finish seeing all the urgent patients and make her way over to me. “Bianca,” she smiles. “I love you, but I see you way too often.”

  “Tell me about it,” I grumble as she takes a seat in front of me to get a better look at my injuries.

  “Do you want to tell me how it happened?” she asks slightly hesitant.

  “No,” I say honestly, “Still a bit too raw, I don’t think I’m ready to relive it yet.”

  Rylan cringes beside me, clearly remembering the same moment of near death that’s currently circling through my head. “That’s fine. I understand.”

  “I’m sure it will need stitches. Can I tell you when they come out?”

  “Sure, and your right, you do need stitches, follow me,” she says, getting up to make her way into her office. I stand behind her on shaky, exhausted legs and she turns to help me when she realizes Rylan beside me. Her eyes flick between the two of us, clearly wondering why he would be here with me. I watch as she mentally goes through her memories of the billion times she’s seen me this year, every time with Rylan by my side. I see the exact moment that realization dawns on her. She gives a slight nod of understanding and tightens her lips, “I’m assuming you’ll be coming?” she says to Rylan.

  He gives her a nod and follows beside me as she turns to lead us into her office. Rylan glances down at me, concern etched on his handsome face and I’m sure my features would mirror his, but I’m just too tired to care.

  I take a seat and cringe as she cleans up my neck, hissing as the antiseptic cream is put on and then look away as she begins the stitches. Rylan places his hand on my back offering me support, but not being too obvious to flaunt our relationship. When Dr. Mandoza is finished with my neck she checks the rest of me over, giving a few stitches to the small gash in my arm and cleaning up a few more cuts.

  She quickly runs her eyes over Rylan, checking him for any injuries, but only finds one small cut to the top of his forehead which he suggests he can look after himself.

  She distracts me with some ridiculous conversation then surprises me when she gives me the dreaded needle, but is over before I can complain about it.

  “That wasn’t too bad, was it?” she asks.

  “Eh, I’ve had worse,” I say, getting a grunt out of both Dr. Mandoza and Rylan who both know very clearly just how bad I’ve had it.

  “That you have,” she agrees. “Now, you’re not going to like this, but no training for a few days. Your body is exhausted and you need some time to heal,” she says, glancing to Rylan, who nods along, clearly agreeing with her. Damn.

  I start to stand, but am stopped when Dr. Mandoza places a hand on my leg. “Do you mind if I have a quick chat with you,” she says, glancing at Rylan once again. “In private.”

  “Oh… um sure,” I say, not sure what she could possibly have to say to me that she couldn’t say in front of Rylan.

  Rylan stands silently and exits the room. I see him make himself comfortable against the wall, his eyes finding mine as the heavy door closes between us.

  “Bianca, as your Doctor, you need to know that everything we discuss will remain confidential,” she starts. “Now, I couldn’t help but notice your relationship with your instructor seems to be a little something more than you’ve been letting on. But don’t worry, I’m not going to tell anyone,” she explains.

  I give her a sharp nod in understanding, completely unsure of what to say and come out with the only thing possible “Ok…”

  “I just need to know that you’re being safe?” she asks.

  “Safe?” I ask in confusion.

  “Safe sexually,” she clarifies.

  “Oh,” I gasp as my cheeks turn bright red. “Yes, safe. Very safe,” I grimace.

  “Good,” she smiles. “Do you have any questions for me?”

  “Nope,” I say a little too quickly. Though, I have a mountain of things I could ask.

  “Ok,” she smiles agai
n, knowing I’m completely embarrassed. “Just know that I’m here if you need anything.”

  I give her a tight smile and she finally lets me go. I make my getaway, flying past Rylan who has to do a small jog to catch up. “What was that about?” he asks.

  “Nothing, just making sure I was being safe.”

  “Safe?” he questions, in that same confused tone that I had used earlier.

  A wicked grin creeps over my face and I glance in his direction, knowing my eyes are sparkling with mirth. “Yeah… safe,” I reply slowly, enjoying his reaction when he finally works it out.

  Chapter 25

  I have never enjoyed a well needed shower so much in my life. Though there was that one time with Rylan…

  I hop out and wrap my towel tightly around myself and head out the bathroom to find my room filled with people “Ahhh,” I screech, making sure I have a good hand hold on my towel. “What are you morons doing here?”

  Daniel instantly has a smug expression come across his face as he takes in my near nakedness while Trey makes a show of trying to look away. Millie though, she has no reservations. She runs straight up to me and throws her arms around me, making my towel come loose which I struggle to hold on to. “I told you I’d be here for dinner,” I tell Millie as she practically cries into my chest.

  “I know,” she sniffles. “You always keep your promises.”

  Millie suddenly lets go of me and causes my towel to drop straight to the ground. Oh crap. I screech and do my best to cover up while I grab Millie by the shoulders and pulls her back into me. “Don’t move,” I warn her while I try to pick up the towel with my toes.

  I keep my eyes locked on Daniel who’s grinning the widest grin I have ever seen. “Turn around or I’ll kick your ass,” I tell him, finally getting the towel into my hands and opening it up so I can begin to cover myself.

  “Sorry B, but now that I’ve seen it, there’s no way I can turn my back on that,” he smirks.

  Trey laughs at the wall his face is currently buried in. “It’s not her you need to worry about, man. Rylan’s going to annihilate you.”


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