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Rebels Advocate - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 31

  I nudge Cole on my other side and before Jace has even made it back to the table, he has everyone’s full attention. Cami reaches out and takes Jace’s hand in hers. “What’s wrong?” she questions.

  Jace’s eyes flick down to hers and something tells me he’s grateful for her presence. He squeezes her hand before looking back at the table. “That was a friend of mine from the military,” he starts, making my stomach squeeze. “Luke’s team was sent in on a mission. There’s isn’t much information on the situation just yet, but reports say that they walked straight into an ambush. Most of his team made it out, but Luke and two others were taken. They don’t know much more than that.”

  “Fuck,” Cole grunts from beside me as Cami shoots out of her seat and wraps herself around Jace. He holds onto her for dear life, taking every ounce of comfort out of her as he worries over his best friend.

  “He’ll be ok,” I say mostly to myself. We need to stay positive and if I know anything about Luke, it’s that he is one of the strongest men I know.

  I look across to Caden to find his eyes already on mine. With Cole busily soothing Rylee, I use his distraction to check on Caden ‘You ok?’ I mouth across to him.

  He shakes his head ever so slightly and the therapist in me wants to talk, but the woman inside of me wants to throw herself across the table and tell him over and over again that Luke will come back to us. He always does.

  Jace finally goes on to tell us that he was promised more information as it came in, but for now, we’re all left wondering, so, it’s no surprise that nobody feels like celebrating much after that. Cami walks out the door with Jace and everyone else follows.

  Izzy slides her arms through mine and we walk in silence as we hail down a taxi. I know Cole would probably insist that he comes with us but he’s not thinking right now. I look over at Caden and the need to go to him is there again, but he’s already in his truck, peeling out of the parking lot.

  “Come on,” Izzy murmurs. “Let’s go home.”

  I couldn’t agree more.

  Chapter 18


  I sit at home feeling like absolute shit.

  The second those words came out of Jace’s mouth last night, my whole world came crashing down. I mean, fuck. Luke’s been taken and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it. We don’t even know where the fuck he is, let alone if he’s still breathing.

  I just need to know that he’s alright. I need to know that I’ll see him again. I need him to come home so I can tell him what a fucking idiot he was that he left.

  Damn it. Why the fuck did he have to go back? He was out. He’d done his time and he was happy.

  He just had to go and be a fucking hero. I mean, I’d feel it if he was gone, right. I feel it right down in my soul, and right now, my soul is telling me that he’s being the toughest mother fucker known to man. Those bastards would be regretting the day they decided to take Luke Hayes.

  Just like so many other men and women, they have that need and desire to fight for their country, and I completely respect it. It’s one of the most honorable things someone could possibly do for their home, and unfortunately, this is just one of the many risks of the job.

  I just… I feel so fucking helpless.

  I sit at home drowning in a sea of devastation. I would have been able to handle the news of Luke a lot better had it come at a different time. If everything else in my life wasn’t so fucked up, I would have been able to be stronger for him. Only I’m not. I’m a fucking mess because I haven’t spoken to my woman in nearly three weeks and my best friend insists on hating me right now.

  I’ll never forget the look in his eyes when he saw me with Imogen at the club. I wasn’t even going to kiss her, but I needed to touch her. That alone had the betrayal rising high for him.

  I can’t take it anymore.

  Before I know it, my keys are in my hand and I’m backing out of my driveway. I’m nearly at his place when it hits me. What the hell am I supposed to say to him? Hey dude, can I have your permission to keep fucking your baby sister? Yeah right. He’s going to really knock me out this time.

  I get to his door and I’m still thinking hard when I knock on the hardwood. I raise both my hands to the door frame as I wait and hang my head. I take a deep breath and slowly blow it out. It must be nearly the middle of the night which is probably a little fact I should have looked over before I left my home.

  The door is ripped open and I straighten myself out.

  Cole stands before me and with one look at me, he knows exactly why I’m here. “Shit,” he groans as he steps out the door and pulls it closed behind him so we don’t wake Rylee. “You better not be here for the reason I think you’re here.”

  I lean back against the railing and look him firmly in the eye as I don’t want him to miss a single word I say. “I’m in love with her,” I tell him. His eyes close briefly as if what I’d said had physically hurt him. “I’m coming to you as my best friend,” I say. “I’ve been in love with her since we were thirteen and every fucking day I stayed away from her, but I can’t do it anymore.”

  “So, what are you here for then? Are you looking for my permission, my blessing?” he scoffs. “There was a time to come looking for that and it was over a year ago.”

  “I know,” I tell him. “I fucked up. We both did, but I’m here now and waiting for you to come around is killing me.”

  He runs his fingers through his hair before letting out a frustrated groan. “You know, it all makes so much fucking sense now. All the times you went chasing after her, making sure she was safe. All the protective bullshit. How you hated every one of her boyfriends. I should have fucking seen it. It was right in front of my face.”

  I want to agree with him, but I keep my mouth shut. Pointing it out isn’t going to do me any favors right now. “I should have been honest with you.”

  “Yeah,” he scoffs. “There’s a lot of that going around.”

  “I’m going to tell her,” I say. “It’s about time she knew.”

  “I’m not sure she’s going to take it so well,” he grunts. “And for my sake, I hope she doesn’t.”

  “I know,” I say with a cringe. “There’s a good chance she’ll shut me down, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.” Over and over again until she eventually gives in.

  Cole takes a deep breath and looks at me. “You know I don’t like it and I’m still fucking pissed off about the whole situation, but if she had to be with anyone, I’d be happy for it to be you. I know you’ll treat her right.”

  Fuck, did he just… no. I’ve got to be imagining this. I couldn’t possibly have his ok to go after her.

  “You’re serious?” I question as I search his eyes. “You’re ok with me and Imogen together?”

  “No,” he grunts. “I’m ok with the possibility of you and Imogen together. She hasn’t agreed to shit yet and I’m holding on to that hope.”

  I nod my head. I take it for what it is. He’s coming around to the idea even though he hates it. He’s just being a stubborn prick about it in the process. “That means a lot coming from you.”

  “You and me, though,” he warns.

  He doesn’t need to say another word. I read it loud and clear. We have some major trust issues to work through. He needs to learn how to trust me and I need to start being upfront and honest. “Enough said,” I tell him with determination. If it’s the last thing I do, my best friend will know that I’ve always got his back. He’ll never have a reason to doubt me again.

  He straightens up and looks me hard in the eye with a look that could kill and I know what’s coming. It’s the same speech he’s given to all of her boyfriends over the years. Hell, I’ve done it a few times myself. Though, this time, there’s a look in his eye that makes it much more serious than ever before. “You hurt her,” he says, pausing for effect. “And I’ll fucking kill you.”

  I nod my head but he sees the promise in my eyes. “You got my fucking word.”

>   Cole faces off with me for a moment before deciding he must like what he sees. He walks back toward the door before looking back at me. “Just… it’s the middle of the night, don’t do it now. Let her sleep,” he tells me, knowing my willpower is only going to last so long.

  “Got it,” I say.

  With that, he disappears through the door and I feel a massive weight lift off my shoulders knowing I have his approval to chase after his little sister. We still have major issues to work through, but for now, it’s a massive step in the right direction.

  I let out a breath and take a step down off his porch feeling like a whole new world has opened up to me. I still can’t believe it. After fifteen years of being crazy about my best friend’s little sister, I finally have the chance to go after her.

  Knowing that has me desperate to go to her now. Hell, if I hadn’t promised Cole that I’d wait until tomorrow, I’d probably be halfway there by now.

  Instead, I take my sorry ass home.

  I glance at the time and realize it’s after one in the morning and make a note to apologize to Rylee tomorrow as I have no doubt I would have disturbed her night.

  As I pull into my driveway, my headlights roam over the front of my house, only there’s someone there. I slam on the break as I try to make out who the fuck would be standing outside my home in the middle of the fucking night. The person is too short to be Imogen and too small to be one of the guys. In fact, the person is the size of a kid.

  As I drive down the driveway it comes starting clear. What the fuck is he doing here?

  I practically fly out of my truck in my rush to get to him. “What the fuck, Brandon?” I curse as I reach him. Not even bothering to mask my curse words in front of the eleven-year-old. “What are you doing here? Where’s Katia? Are you ok?”

  He looks up at me with a cringe as a cold shiver takes over his body. It’s then I notice the kid is wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and a shirt in the dead of the fucking cold night. “She doesn’t know I’m gone,” he admits.


  I unlock my front door and usher Brandon in as quickly as I can before grabbing a hoodie for him to pull on. “Sit your ass down,” I demand, pointing to the couch.

  He hangs his head and does exactly what he’s told and I don’t doubt he knows he’s in deep shit. Once he’s seated, he looks up at me, patiently waiting for whatever is about to come his way. “Start from the beginning. I want to know why the fuck you’re on my doorstep. How the hell you got here, and why Katia doesn’t know that you’re not under her roof, safely in your bed.”

  He swallows back as a million thoughts start occurring. If Katia knows, the police would be involved in a fucking manhunt. They’ll be an amber alert for a missing child and his parents’ place would be ransacked as they search for him.

  Shit. How the hell did I get involved in this?

  “I… um,” he starts with a cringe.

  “Spit it out, Brandon,” I demand while trying not to sound too aggressive as to not scare him. I want him to see me as someone he can come to, and clearly, he does, seeing as though I found him on my doorstep in the middle of the night, but he also needs to know that I’m the boss here. “Start speaking.”

  “I snuck out the window,” he says. “I just… after dad found me at the gym the other week, I haven’t been able to sleep. I don’t feel safe there anymore. Katia is great, but you saw how easily he just knocked her down.” The tears start to well in his eyes. “I want to stay here with you.”

  What am I supposed to say to that?

  “What happened at Rebels was a one-off. He’s not going to find you. Katia’s details are protected,” I tell him.

  His eyes avert and he looks down at the couch. It’s clear what I’m saying isn’t helping his fears. “Am I going to get in trouble?” he asks as he lifts his big eyes to mine.

  I press my lips together. I don’t want to lie to him. “Well, yeah,” I tell him. “Can you imagine what’s going through Katia’s mind right now had she realized you weren’t in your bed?”

  “I guess,” he sighs.

  “How’d you know where I lived, anyway?” I question as the curiosity gets the best of me.

  At this, a guilty expression comes over him. “I searched you on the internet. I had to dig for a while but I eventually found it.”

  “Jesus,” I groan. I need to look into that shit. If an eleven-year-old kid can find my personal details, then I don’t even want to think about the other kind of people who’d be able to do it.

  “You’re not going to take me back, are you?” he says after I’ve been silent for a little too long.

  My heart breaks. I’m glad that he feels safe here with me and I wish there was something more I could do for him, but I don’t know enough about the system to know if his little stunt is going to impact his future training with me. I don’t want to risk him staying and then get a black mark against my name. “Yeah, mate,” I tell him. “I have to. We could both get in trouble for this. Katia is going to have to report this and I’m not entirely sure how it all works, but I’m sure Susan will have to make reports.”

  “Oh,” he sighs with his heart on his sleeve.

  “Alright, do you know Katia’s address?” I ask.

  He cringes and I groan before he’s even said a word. “No,” he admits, looking as guilty as anything.

  My mind instantly jumps into problem-solving mode. I don’t have Katia’s contact details so I’m a bit stuck. Hmmm, I’m sure Imogen would know what I need to do right now. I pull my phone from my pocket. “Wait here,” I say as I get up off the couch. “I have to call Imogen.”

  “Uh huh,” he replies with a cheeky-as-fuck tone, as though he’s suggesting that calling her is not particularly something that’s going to cause me grief.

  I roll my eyes as I walk away. I can’t help but think of just how fond I am of this kid. He’s the cheekiest kid I think I’ve ever met and after the pain and suffering he’s been through, it’s incredible he still holds that part of his personality.

  I stand at the opening of the living room so I can keep an eye on Brandon as I hit call. I bring the phone up to my ear and listen as the call rings out. She must have her phone on silent as she wouldn’t want to be disturbed in the middle of the night.

  I pocket my phone and walk back towards him. “Right,” I say as he looks back up at me. “We’re going for a drive.”

  He nods his head and gets to his feet. There’s disappointment in his eyes but he’s not the kind of kid to fight it. After weeks of training with me, he knows when I mean business. We walk out the door and the chill in the air instantly hits and I’m glad he has something to keep him warm. But then, all this manages to do is remind me of the fact that he walked all this way without a hoodie.

  We get in my truck and I back out of the driveway for the second time tonight. When I got home from work this afternoon, this was not how I thought my night would go. I thought I’d make myself dinner, watch something on TV and think about how I couldn’t have Imogen before going to bed. Instead, I confessed I’m in love with my best friend’s sister and had a runaway on my doorstep. Geez, I can’t wait to see what tomorrow night brings.

  As I drive down the road, a thought occurs to me that I realize I didn’t question him about. “How’d you get here, anyway? You didn’t walk it all, did you?”

  “Um… yeah,” he says. “I’m only a kid. It’s not like I can afford a taxi.”

  Yeah, ok… I walked straight into that one.

  As I drive along, I see a twenty-four-hour pizzeria coming up and I look across at Brandon. “You hungry?” I ask, figuring an extra few minutes before he’s returned isn’t going to hurt.

  “I could eat,” he says.

  I pull in and twenty minutes later, I’m pulling up behind Imogen’s stupid red convertible that she got back during the week. “Is this Imogen’s place?” he questions as he looks at the stupid car.

  “Yeah,” I say as we hop out of m
y truck. I point up at a window. “That’s her apartment up there.”

  He grabs the pizza off the seat and we walk up the hallway to her front door. “Is she going to be mad?” he questions.

  “Probably,” I say. “She doesn’t like being woken in the middle of the night, but you didn’t think that pizza was really for you?” I laugh. “If you’re going to piss off a woman, you better bring something to tame the beast.”

  “Got it,” he chuckles.

  We get to her door and I go to find the spare key, only Brandon tries the handle and opens it right up. “She should really lock her door in the middle of the night,” he says.

  “Yeah,” I grunt. “She really should.”

  We push our way through the door and I tell Brandon to get comfortable on her couch with the pizza while I go and wake Imogen. I walk down her hallway as quietly as possible as to not freak her out.

  I get into her bedroom to find her sprawled out on her bed, looking like an absolute angel as she sleeps. I go to wake her when I think better of it. I flick on her side table lamp first so when she wakes she doesn’t scream the place down thinking there’s an intruder in here.

  I crouch down beside her and place my hand on her shoulder. I gently rock her. “Babe,” I murmur into the night. “Wake up.” She groans in her sleep and creases her eyebrows at the intrusion. “Imogen,” I say, trying again.

  Her eyes open and she looks momentarily confused, but at least she didn’t wake up with a fright. She reaches out and places her hand on my face while making my heart ache for her. “What’s going on?” she groans. “What are you doing here?” Her eyes widen in horror. “Is it Luke?”

  “No, no,” I tell her. “I’m sorry, I just need your help with something.”

  She pushes herself up in bed and the blanket falls down her body, revealing her naked chest. She shuffles herself to the edge of the bed so her legs are on either side of me. She looks like a goddess and I can’t help myself. The need for her has been too strong.