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Rebels Advocate - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 4

  Naturally, she hasn’t called me, not that I was expecting her to, but it drives me insane. Girls always call, no matter what. It’s like an unspoken rule.

  Am I losing my edge? Fuck no. That couldn’t be it.

  I try to close my eyes, but it’s not going to happen, and there’s only one thing that’s going to help me now. I get up out of bed and get myself dressed. I find my keys and before I know it, I’m pulling up outside of The Dark Room like some kind of creepy as fuck stalker.

  Shit. What am I doing? I’m about to make an ass of myself.

  I sit in my truck waiting for her to finish her shift. Hell, I don’t even know what time her shift finishes. Knowing my luck, she’s probably already done and long gone.

  But like the creepy stalker that I’ve just become, I sit outside her work and wait.

  I’ve been here for at least twenty minutes and I’ve just about convinced myself to leave when she walks out the door. A grin creeps over my face and I find myself getting out of my truck. I lean up against the door and watch as she walks down the sidewalk, completely in her own world.

  “Going somewhere?” I ask.

  She gasps as her eyes fly up from the ground and come to a stop on me. “Holy shit. It’s just you,” she says with a hand on her heart before she narrows her eyes at me. “What do you think you’re doing sneaking up on someone who got mugged not long ago? Are you insane?”

  Shit. I didn’t think about that, but on the bright side, she’s an absolute spitfire.

  “Where are you going?” I ask as my eyes rake up and down her body.

  “That’s none of your concern,” she tells me as an involuntary smile takes over her face.

  I can’t help but smile, knowing that she enjoys this… whatever this thing is between us. “That’s where you’re wrong,” I tell her as I push off my truck and into her personal space.

  She doesn’t move and I find myself standing right before her. My hand instinctively takes her waist as hers come to a rest on my chest. “I’m never wrong,” she murmurs.

  I bring my face down to hers, ready to take her lips in mine. Only, her hand shoots up and she presses her fingers against my lips, stopping me. “Nuh uh,” she says with a slight shake of her head. “I don’t think so, buddy.”

  “Let me take you home,” I tell her.


  “Why the hell not?”

  “I told you. I’m not interested.”

  I smirk down at her as I move us off the sidewalk and against my truck. “You’re a liar.”

  She presses her lips together. “I know, but it’s still not happening.”

  “Which part?” I ask as I bring my lips down on the sensitive skin of her neck. “The part where I take you home or the part where I bury myself so deep inside you, you can feel it in your stomach?”

  She swallows as she looks up at me. “Oh shit,” she whispers, getting all breathy.

  I couldn’t agree more.

  Rylee looks back at my truck before returning those hooded eyes to me. “Are your windows tinted?” she questions.

  Fuck yeah.

  I grin down at her and nod as my hands reach for her ass. I pick her up and somehow manage to get the door open. I lay her down on the back seat and pull the door closed behind me. she reaches for my shirt while I dive for her jeans. Feel like a fucking horny teenager. I haven’t fucked in my car since I was seventeen.

  I get her jeans off and help her to pull my shirt over my head. Her tank is next to go before I shrug out of my jeans. Her knees fall open and I situate myself between her legs. God, I’d love nothing more than to take my time with her body, to taste her, and to worship her, but the way she hooks her legs around my waist and pulls me into her, she really gives me no choice.

  I slide my hand down her body and find her entrance before plunging my fingers deep within her. Her back aches off the seat and she presses her chest up into mine. “Fuck,” she gasps as she reaches up and wraps her arms around my back. I bring my face down to hers and search out her lips.

  “No,” she panics. I rip my hand out of her, terrified I’ve done something wrong. “No, no, no. Not that. Keep going, just don’t kiss me.”

  I don’t need to be told twice. I get back to work. “Why can’t I kiss you?” I question on a groan as her tight little fist wraps around my dick. Fuuuuck yeah.

  “Because it’s a no-go zone,” she tells me before throwing her head back and exposing the arch of her neck. “The second you kiss me, I can’t pretend this isn’t real.”

  Understanding dawns on me. She does feel something here. She’s just too stubborn to admit it or maybe she has some weird dating rule. Who the fuck knows? “Challenge accepted, babe,” I grin as I can no longer resist her neck.

  “Do it and die,” she warns before tightening her grip on my dick. “Fuck. I need you now.”

  I know the feeling.

  I pull my fingers out, line myself up with her entrance, and without skipping a beat, I push into her and bury myself to the hilt. The satisfaction hits me like a fucking wrecking ball. It’s like her body was made just for me. “Fuck, babe,” I groan as I start moving.

  Shit, I’ll never get enough of this.

  Her hand travels up my body and she twines her fingers through the back of my hair before pulling me back down to her. Our bodies grow sweaty and the windows fog up. I’m almost certain the people walking by would be able to notice the truck rocking as well. Hell, I don’t even care if they stop to watch.

  Moments later, she screams out as her orgasm rocks through her body, but I’m not done with her yet. I scoop my arms under her body and lift her so I sit on the seat and she straddles my lap.

  Rylee picks up where I left off and I can’t tear my eyes off her body as she moves because this time, it’s my world being rocked. “Fuck, Cole,” she pants. Her pussy clenches down on me as she comes for the second time and I quickly realize that it’s a sight I’ll never get bored of.

  She collapses into me and I wrap my arms around her, gently stroking down her spine as we catch our breaths. “That…” she lets out a breath, completely lost for words as she drops her head to my shoulder.

  I take in the scent of her fruity shampoo and commit it to memory as something tells me she isn’t going to fall for my charm a third time. “Yeah,” I agree.

  She lets out a sigh as she pushes back up off me and reaches down for her shirt. She pulls it over her head while I’m still seated firmly inside her and a strange feeling settles over me.

  She pulls herself off my lap and grabs her jeans before doing this ridiculous dance as she tries to pull the tight fabric up her legs.

  I sit beside her, not bothering to dress as I watch her. She leans over, presses a kiss to my cheek, and smiles. “Thanks,” she murmurs before scooting to the edge and reaching for the handle.

  “So, I shouldn’t bother asking you to call?” I question.

  She averts her eyes and I have no idea why it bothers me so much. She shakes her head and I let her go.

  For some reason, I feel like she’s taking something of me with her. But I guess it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to stoop so low as to continue chasing some girl who’s not interested. Well, I guess that’s incorrect. She’s clearly interested, but she must have some reasons as to why she isn’t going to try.

  I guess the big questions are; if I can be bothered continuously chasing a girl who’s going to keep shutting me down, and if I do, will I even be able to break down her walls?

  And… will it be worth it?

  I already know we’re compatible when it comes to sex, but what about the rest? I don’t know this chick at all. Maybe I’m wasting my time.


  I sit in the lunchroom with the boys. It’s been a week since that night in my truck and I’ve been moping around like a bitch ever since.

  I put my feet up on the chair beside me and relax back into my seat while I ignore the ridiculous conversations of the guys around me. Jace, X
ander, and Luke are giggling like fucking teenagers over some stupid shit of Facebook. I think they’re called memes. You know, those stupid pictures with captions, that at any other time, I’d usually find funny.

  Xander gets up and makes himself a protein shake to go with his lunch. We have his first fight of the year in a few weeks and he needs to cut a few pounds if he’s going to make weight for the heavyweight division.

  The sound of the blender grates on my nerves, but I don’t say a word. My foul mood has nothing to do with the guys and it’s not fair to take it out on them, or the fucking blender for that matter.

  “What the fuck’s your problem?” Caden grunts as he walks into the lunch room and knocks my feet off the chair before falling into it and dropping his lunch on the table.

  I look up and realize he’s talking to me. I shrug my shoulders and grunt, hoping it’s enough to help him move and pick on someone else. “You noticed that too, huh?” Luke says. “He’s been acting like someone’s kicked his fucking puppy all week.”

  I groan to myself, but apparently, it’s not over yet. “Yeah,” Xander agrees as they continue talking about me as if I’m not here. “He’s been kicking my ass extra hard during training, so whatever the fuck is going on, I wish he’d sort it out. I’m fucking exhausted.”

  Fucking pansy.

  “Would you guys shut the fuck up?” I question.

  “Hallelujah,” Jace says, getting to his feet and raising his hands high above his head. “He speaks.”

  I resist the urge to knock him out.

  “Dude,” Caden says, gaining my attention. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” I shrug.

  “Is it that chick from the self-defense class?” Jace asks. “You two had something going on, right?”

  “Not anymore,” I grunt as I avert my eyes.

  “Fuck,” Luke grunts as he pulls a twenty out of his pocket and hands it across to Jace.

  “Are you dickheads making bets on me and Rylee?” I question with narrowed eyes.

  “Hell yeah,” Xander says, proudly. “We bet on all sorts of things. It’s incredible how much money you’ve made me over the past two years.”

  I roll my eyes and look away. I’m not in the mood to deal with their bullshit.

  Caden nudges me with his foot and I look up into his concerned eyes. "Dude, what’s up? Is it this chick?" Caden asks in a low tone, always the serious one.

  My eyes flash back to the other dickheads in the room and notice they've completely tuned me out. I focus back on Caden. "Yeah," I grunt. "I don't know why it's bothering me so much."

  "I feel you," he grumbles to himself so softly that I have a feeling it wasn’t meant for my ears.

  "Huh?" I question. What does he mean by that? The only scenario that would make sense would be if he’s in a similar situation, but I didn't know there was a girl in the picture. "Are you having girl problems? Shit, are you even dating anyone at the moment?"

  Come to think of it, he didn’t take that girl home from The Dark Room. That should have been my first clue.

  His eyes widen in alarm and looks as though he's just been caught with his fingers in the cookie jar. "Oh, um... Nah. All good here."

  Fucking bullshit. If I was in a better mood, I'd fight for more details. He's never been stingy on details when there's a woman in his life, so I don't understand why he is now.

  I prop my foot back up against his chair as I watch him with a strong curiosity. "You sure, man?"

  "Yeah, fine," he murmurs, shrugging off my question. "Look," he starts in that familiar tone that tells me he’s about to share all his wise advice. "Whatever this chick is doing to make you jump through hoops, it isn't worth it. Move on. There's always another one around the corner. Why bother wasting your time on some chick that you don’t even know? She’s already put you through the ringer, so unless you can see yourself growing old with this woman, then forget about her."

  “Yeah, I guess,” I murmur without conviction. The thought of moving on pulls at something within me, but I know Caden’s right. I’m completely wasting my time with Rylee. She’s made it clear that there’s nothing more between us.

  But his comment gets to me. ‘Unless you can see yourself growing old with this woman, then forget about her.’ Why does the thought of growing old with her thrill me? That’s ridiculous, right?

  It’s time to pull my shit together and get over it.

  Why the hell do I care so much anyway? I’ve met the girl three times and we haven’t even had a conversation. This whole ridiculous attraction to her is solely based on sex.

  Jesus, I’ve never realized how fucking shallow I am.

  That settles it. I’m done chasing.

  Chapter 6


  Cami and I walk through the doors of the new hair salon in town. It’s a Sunday afternoon and the only day each of us take off all week. So, to say a little pampering is needed is a massive understatement.

  I’ve been looking forward to this moment since the second I made the appointment.

  We step through the doors of Charli’s Salon and I have to take a moment to take it all in. The place is incredible. Hell, it’s so stylish and modern, it makes me want to be a hairdresser. I mean, I always wanted to do hairdressing as a kid, but then I hit the late teens and discovered nightclubs. My fate was sealed the second I snuck into my first club.

  I’ll never forget the feeling of walking into that club. I was only seventeen and walked through the door in my little black dress and high heels. I remember the way the bass from the music practically vibrated right through to my soul and the flashing colored lights assaulted my vision in the best way.

  The floors were sticky, people were sweaty, the bar was packed with customers, and I was in awe. To this day, it’s still one of the best nights of my life.

  The second I hit twenty-one, I was putting everything into motion for my own club. It took a while to get it up and running, as apparently, not many people take you seriously as a business owner at such a young age. I bet those fuckers are kicking themselves now.

  Cam and I step up to the reception desk in Charli’s Salon and are greeted by a bubbly girl who instantly welcomes us in. “Hi, welcome to Charli’s Salon. How can I help you?”

  My eyes flick down to her name tag. “Hi, Zara. I’m Rylee and this is Cami. We have a 3 pm appointment.”

  “Ah, yes. You ladies are with me and Charli,” she smiles as she waves her hand back towards the salon. “Come on through.”

  Zara ushers us deeper into the salon and shows us to where we’ll be sitting. Another girl comes from out the back and smiles as she walks up to us. “You must be Rylee and Cami,” she says. Cami smiles and nods as we take our seats. “I’m Charli. Which one of you beautiful women is Rylee?”

  “That’d be me,” I tell her as she comes to stand behind me. She smiles at me through the mirror and pulls the hair tie from my hair. I explain how I want to liven up my hair with a bit of an auburn undertone, though not so much that it looks orange. I’m still very much a fan of my dark hair. At the moment it’s dull and lifeless. It could really use some sprucing up, maybe a cut and blow dry too.

  I nearly fall asleep at the feeling of the brush running through my hair and the way Chari’s hands work. This is exactly what I’ve been needing.

  “You called that guy yet?” Cami asks from beside me.

  Annnnd… she ruined it.

  “What do you think?” I grunt as I try desperately to sink back into enjoying my pampering.

  “That you don’t actually want to know what I think,” she says like some kind of smartass.

  I open my eyes and lean slightly forward so I can catch her reflection in the mirror. I let out a sigh, knowing she’s not going to give in until she’s said her peace. “Let’s have it.”

  She lights up like Christmas morning. “I think you’re a pussy.”

  My mouth pops open as I stare down my best friend. “Excuse me?”

��I think you haven’t called him because you’re scared it could lead to something.”

  “Nope,” I dismiss as I flick my eyes away from hers and studiously ignore her. I know she’s right, but I’m so not ready to go there.

  “Stop being so damn stubborn and listen,” she demands.

  For some unknown reason, I resist punching her square in the face and return my eyes to her. “I’m all ears,” I tell her, daring her to push my buttons.

  “You’re scared you like him and I think you don’t want to open yourself up in case you get hurt, which, in my opinion, is a load of shit. You’re never going to find happiness if you don’t allow yourself to feel it.”

  I press my lips into a tight line, completely satisfied with being stubborn.

  “I’m sorry,” Cami says in a tone that suggests she’s not sorry at all. “I saw the way you were looking at him during that self-defense class. He excites you.”

  “Self-defence class?” Charli asks from behind me as her eyes meet mine in the mirror.

  “Yeah. Cami and I went to this class last Saturday. It was actually kind of fun.”

  “Yeah, it was only fun because you were thinking about screwing the instructor,” Cami scoffs.

  “You’re not talking about Rebels Advocate, are you?” Charli questions as a knowing grin rips across both her and Zara’s faces.

  “Yeah,” I say. “Do you know the place?”

  “Know it?” she laughs. “I practically live there. My fiancée is Xander, he’s one of their fighters.”

  “Oh, ok,” I smile as I remember seeing pictures of their fighters up on the wall. There was one guy who seemed to be the most popular. I think his name started with an X or a Z, something like that. I was a little distracted to have really paid attention. “I’ve only been there that one time. It was pretty cool though.”

  “You enjoyed the class?” she questions as she starts putting the color into my hair.