Rebels Advocate - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Read online

Page 47

  It’s incredible and I can’t get enough of it. He’s incredible. You know, apart from the ridiculous pranks he continues to play, like putting glitter in the air vents of my truck so that when I turned on the air conditioning, my truck turned into a pink glittery mess. I want to be furious with him but he gets this look in his eye and gives me this big wolfish grin, making it one hundred percent worth it. That smile is so intoxicating that it should be illegal.

  My only issue is how much I like it. I’m terrified this means something so much more to me. He tells me all the time that he can’t get enough of me, but he has never once indicated that it could be something more than physical.

  I had asked him that first night to label it, but he didn’t want to do that. It kind of hurt so I’ve avoided asking again. I’m terrified he’ll say it’s just fun or that it’s only about the sex. As for me, it’s so much more than that.

  I’m starting to fall for this guy. He’s quickly becoming the reason I wake up in the morning. Just the idea of getting to see him that night drives me on. I’ve never felt this before, not even when I was marrying Jeremy. It just goes to show how wrong I was about that one.

  But this… this doesn’t feel wrong. It’s so right on so many levels. Luke Hayes is my man even if he doesn’t know it yet.

  His finger draws little circles on my shoulder, pulling me out of my head. I look up at him, wondering what he needs. “You alright?” he murmurs. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  I consider bringing it up with him, but now isn’t the time, and I’m not ready for him to start retreating back into himself yet. I don’t want to frighten him away with my girly feelings. “Nothing,” I smile. “I’m all good.”

  “Are you sure?” he questions, squeezing my shoulder.

  “Yeah,” I tell him. “I’m more than good.”

  At that, a proud smile rips across his face and he presses a kiss to my forehead.

  I feel the eyes of our friends on us, and I guess neither of us have really said anything about this sudden occurrence. I mean, I don’t know if he has said anything to the boys, but the last time I was with the girls, we were busy getting payback for his asshole tendencies.

  “So,” I hear Rylee’s voice over the sound of the party. “What are you guys doing here? It’s supposed to be our girl’s night.”

  “We crashed,” Cole tells her with a grunt. “Xander and I had just finished training and the guys were done with their sessions, so we locked up early.”

  “As simple as that, huh?” she replies.

  “Yeah, we couldn’t let you girls have too much fun,” he says “You guys need a little supervision on your girl’s night. The last time we let you out of our sights, you broke and entered.”

  I can’t help but grin. “Technically no breaking got done,” I remind him, making both he and Luke roll their eyes.

  “Does this mean we’re entitled to crash your boy’s nights?” Imogen pipes up.

  “Whoa,” Caden says as Jace scoffs. “Fuck no.”

  “Hold your horses, little sister,” Cole laughs. “Our boy’s nights are a sacred tradition. It’s not to be messed with.”

  Imogine scoffs. “You can take your boy’s nights and shove them up your ass.”

  “Come on, babe,” Caden chuckles. “Don’t be like that. Cole’s serious. Boy’s night just can’t be messed with.”

  I go to reach for my drink when I realize I’ve already demolished it. I look up at Luke. “Do you want another beer?” I ask, noticing his drink is nearly gone.

  His eyes soften as he smiles down at me. “Sure.”

  I get up from the couch as Cole and Caden gang up on Imogen, giving her hundreds of reasons why girls night doesn’t get to be labeled as sacred, and I make my way into the kitchen.

  “Oops, sorry,” I say as I bump into Charli at the fridge.

  “No problem,” she smiles as she reaches into the fridge and pulls out the bottle of wine. “Is this what you’re after?”

  “It sure is,” I say as I take the bottle from her and reach around to grab a beer for Luke. I walk over to the counter and place everything down so I can pour a fresh glass of wine.

  Charli walks over and places her empty glass down beside mine. “So…,” she says with nothing but curiosity in her voice. “What the hell is going on between you and Luke? He can’t keep his eyes… or hands off you,” she says. “Look, even now he’s still watching you.”

  I look up and am not surprised to find those dark eyes of his already gazing into mine. I can’t help the shy smile that rips across my face. He smirks at my reaction and I try my best to concentrate on pouring the wine into the glasses rather than all over the counter.

  “Yeah,” I tell her. “I guess he’s a bit infatuated at the moment.”

  “Infatuated?” she scoffs. “It’s more than that.”

  “Do you think so?” I question with hope. “I’m not sure. I think he just likes getting me in bed.”

  “What?” she gasps quietly as to not draw attention to our conversation. “Are you guys sleeping together?” I keep my eyes focused on the wine bottle and try my best to hide the grin on my face. “Holy shit.”

  I watch in amazement as she grabs Luke’s beer off the table, rushes back over to him and thrusts it into his hands before telling the girls there’s a situation in the kitchen that requires all of their help, which apparently, they already understand as she has something juicy for their ears.

  Within seconds, all the girls are hovering in the kitchen and Charli ushers us all out the back door, far away from the guys, making sure to bring the wine.

  “What’s going on?” Cami questions as we fall into the outdoor setting.

  Charli can hardly hold in her excitement. “Little miss here has been sleeping with Luke,” she announces as the grin rips across my face for the hundredth time tonight.

  “What?” they shriek and gasp as Imogen calls out. “I freaking knew it. He’s so into you.”

  “Is she serious?” Zara asks.

  I nod my head.

  “Holy shit,” Izzy says with wide eyes. “I’d like to be a part of that sandwich. Give me every detail.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “What do you want to know?”

  “I don’t even know. That man is… wow. He’s like a god. His body…” She lets out a low groan just thinking about it.

  “Ok,” Cami cuts in. “Before Izzy asks you how big his dick is, how the hell did this happen? I thought he drove you insane.”

  “He does drive me insane,” I tell them. “Do you know he put flour on my ceiling fan during the heat wave. My place looked like a baking massacre.”

  “Shit,” Rylee grunts. “I knew we should have taken his place one step further.”

  “Right,” I agree.

  “You’re getting off track,” Cami demands, wanting her question answered. “How did this happen?”

  I smile as I remember just how it had happened. “Well, after we did our thing to his place, he couldn’t resist barging his way in and demanding I fix it all up. So, I made a deal with him that if he told me about Iraq, I’d clean his place.”

  “And did he?” Imogen rushes out.

  A smile crosses my lips as I think about just how damn brave he is. “Yeah,” I tell them. “He did.”

  “Whoa,” Cami says. “He hasn’t even told Jace about it.”

  “I know,” I sigh. “I think I’m the only one.”

  I see the curiosity in their eyes, but this is one story I’m not about to spill. After all, it’s not my story to tell.

  “So, how did it go from story time to screwing?” Izzy questions.

  I can’t help but laugh. “I honestly have no idea,” I tell them. “One minute, I was switching the sugar and salt labels back, the next, he was slamming me up against the wall.”

  “Wow,” Izzy sighs. “That’s so hot.”

  “Yeah,” I agree. “It really was.”

  “So, what now?” Imogen asks. “Is it jus
t sex? Because I can’t be the only one who has noticed that he follows after you like a lost puppy.”

  “That’s what I said,” Charli says. “He can’t keep his hands off you.”

  “I don’t know,” I tell them. “He’s so closed off when talking about emotion and feelings. I have no idea where I stand.”

  “Well, what do you want?” Rylee asks. “Do you like him?”

  A flush takes over my cheeks and I don’t even have to answer her question. The answer is crystal clear in my expression. “Woohoo,” Charli cheers. “I love it.”

  “What the hell is going on out here?” Xander grunts as he walks out the door with the boys following behind.

  Each of our lips get zipped as we refuse to spill any of the details, but by the way Luke’s eyes curiously narrow on mine, he already knows what’s been discussed out here. Though, we are girls, what did he expect we were going to talk about?

  He walks right up to me, lifts me off the couch and takes my seat before sitting me on his lap. I can’t help but loop my arm over his shoulder and get myself comfortable.

  “Alright, what gives?” Jace grunts as he sits between Cami and Rylee and looks up at Luke, apparently asking the very question that we’ve all been wondering. “Are you guys just fucking, or are you together?”

  Everyone around us instantly falls into silence as Jace asks the million dollar question. My mouth drops open as my head whips around to face Luke. I’m completely lost for words and have no idea how to react without getting myself in some sort of trouble, so I don’t dare say a word. I’m not prepared to ruin what we’ve got going right now.

  Apparently, Luke doesn’t have those same issues as he raises his hand and places it on my lower back. “Yeah,” he tells Jace as though it’s a well known fact. “We’re together.”

  “Ummm…. What?” I grunt.

  His eyes sparkle as he watches me and a smirk crosses those delicious lips. “Don’t act like you don’t want it.”

  “I’m not acting like anything,” I tell him. “I’m just busy dying of shock.”

  He rolls his eyes and he suddenly becomes serious as his hand on my lower back slides up until it’s curled around the back of my neck. He pulls me in and gently kisses me. He pulls back slightly but keeps me close so we can talk in private. “I don’t know what it is about you, Lex, but you make me feel alive again, and there’s no way in hell that I’m about to give that up.”

  I search his eyes as my chest starts to ache with emotion. “Are you sure?” I question. “You know I’m all kinds of fucked up.”

  “Babe, if you’re fucked up then I’m already dead,” he tells me. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

  I press my lips to his. “You’re not dead.”

  He shakes his head ever so slightly. “No,” he agrees. “Not anymore.”

  I swear, my heart explodes.

  This man has completely captured me. I’m his. Mind. Body. Soul.

  As the girls cheer and applaud for us in an overdramatic display of affection for our new relationship, I can’t help but chuckle against his lips.

  “The boys are going to give me shit for this,” he tells me.

  “Yeah, well, I only just narrowly avoided describing your junk.”

  A grin splits his face in two. “Describe away, babe. I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”

  I roll my eyes and lean back against him before turning back to our friends. This moment is nothing short of perfection. Not only have I made myself a home and new friends, but I’ve got a family.

  My heart has never been so full.

  All my life I’ve been searching for a happiness that I didn’t understand until right now. It’s like a pure joy that completely overwhelms me. A smile sits permanently on my face as I think back over the time I’ve been in this town. I find myself singing along to my music, grinning every time I hear a lyric that resonates with how I’m feeling.

  Life is just great. Pure bliss.

  The girls laugh and top off drinks as the guys grunt and groan while doing whatever it is that guys do. Suddenly, Izzy flies to her feet with her phone in her hand. “Oh, my God, she laughs. “I just saw the funniest thing on YouTube.”

  Luke lets out a knowing groan as Jace dives for the phone.

  I’ve heard about Izzy and her love for YouTube. Apparently, whenever she finds something ridiculous, it turns into a fight between Cole and Imogen who thinks the other can’t do it or is too pussy to try. Then it somehow gets turned into teams.

  Which is exactly how we end up playing the most epic and dangerous version of slip n slide I’ve ever seen, only we’ve renamed it slip n fly. So it’s no surprise that after the girls have had one turn each, the guys forbid us from having another go.

  It’s deathly cold, but that didn’t stop a single one of us from sliding down the house on the slip n slide mat, starting at the roof and flying off the edge before landing with a splash in the pool.

  Chapter 18


  I stand between two punching bags, shouting out orders for the two fighters pounding into them on either side of me.

  “Come on, Rock,” I yell. “You’re lacking. Don’t let Alec beat you to the finish line,” I add, indicating to the fighter on my left.

  Sweat drips down both their faces, but with my encouragement, Rock picks up his pace.

  These guys have some big fights coming up, and if they want to make a splash in the industry and let the world know exactly who they are, then they’re going to have to step it up a bit.

  “Right, drop down in three, two, one,” I say.

  They know the routine by now, and instantly drop to the ground. They push themselves through a grueling fifty, fast paced push ups before flying back to their feet and laying into the worn leather of the punching bag.

  I shout out a few different combinations for them to bust out, and just as I knew they would, they work their asses off with them.

  “Alright guys,” I say as we near the end. “You’re almost there. One minute. Hit it.”

  With that, they force their fists into the leather in a rapid progression for one minute straight. It may sound easy, but the force these guys are using drains every last ounce of energy out of them.

  They’re in full-time training like many of the guys that come here, but these two have got to be at the top. They’re going to make it, just like Cole did, and just like Xander is now.

  I have to admit, having Xander training here really helps these guys to push themselves. Every kid in this place idolizes him, and to be honest, it’s pretty incredible to watch. A lot of these guys don’t come from much and I love that at Rebels Advocate we can give them a future. Something to work towards, and for some of them, even a career that could span the rest of their lives.

  The boys groan and clench their teeth as they work right up until the very last second. Their bodies are telling them to stop, but the determination in their eyes tells me they are giving it their absolute all.

  “Time’s up,” I finally tell them.

  Rock drops to the ground and his arms fall beside him like jelly, while Alec falls into the punching bag, barely holding himself up.

  “Good job, guys,” I tell them. “Why don’t you go cool down, grab some lunch, and be back in an hour to hit the ring.”

  “Yes, boss,” Rock says, though he doesn’t move a muscle.

  I smirk down at him, proud of their efforts today. I clap Alec on the shoulder before turning away and leaving them be. They deserve a few minutes to find their feet before getting up and getting on with it.

  As I’m walking back across the gym, I watch in interest as Jace slams his way through the door. A heavy scowl sits on his face and from the way he clenches his jaw, he looks furious.

  Curiosity shoots through me and I go to make my way to him. Usually, when he looks like this, something has happened with Cami. Only this time, he turns that ferocious glare on me.

  Oh shit.

  I stop on the spot and tr
y to make a mental list of all the things he could be upset about as he storms towards me, but I got nothing. I thought everything was all good at the moment. I mean, I don’t think I’ve pissed him off lately.

  “Hey,” I say as he reaches me. “What’s up?”

  “What’s up?” he mimics before bringing his hands up and slamming me in the shoulders, forcing me back a step.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” I grunt.

  He pushes me again. “You’re covered in fucking scars,” he states.


  When I don’t deny it, he runs at me. It happens so fast I hardly have a second to react. He shoulder charges into my stomach and he throws me down to the ground. My back slams against the ground with a loud thud, and I hear everything around us come to a stop.

  Jace tries to beat into me while I try my best to get the upper hand. The only problem is that our skills are so evenly matched that it just goes on and on while the people in the gym ignore us, knowing we like to sort out our own shit. “Will you stop, already?” I grunt.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” he demands.

  “We’ve been over this.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” he demands, finally pushing back off me and getting to his feet. He lets out a breath before his eyes meet mine once again.

  I get up off the ground and take a step towards him.

  He shakes his head and the look of betrayal in his eyes kills me. He turns and walks away which is when I realize, it’s time.

  I look back at Cole and Caden across the gym who have been watching the whole scene unfold before them. I give them a nod, letting them know that everything is ok here, and follow after Jace.

  I get to his closed office door and barge my way in. He flies out of his chair as he sees me but I don’t utter a word. I grab the hem of my shirt and rip it off before I have a chance to change my mind.

  Jace instantly stops yelling at me as his eyes rake over my scars. I turn around and give him a good look at the back before pulling my shirt back on. He stands there motionless and I know he doesn’t know what the fuck to say.


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