Rebels Advocate - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Read online

Page 53

  He leans in and presses his lips to mine. “I believe you were just about to do whatever the hell you’d like to me.”

  He shakes his head as his lips move down to my neck. “It’s your birthday, babe. Your wish is my command.”

  Fuck yes.

  And just like that, not a moment later, I lay as naked as the day I was born on our bed, legs spread wide apart with his head right there, feasting between my legs like it’s Christmas dinner.

  I prop myself up on my elbows so I can watch the show and curl my fingers into the sheets. There’s just something so exciting about watching your man go down on you. I’ve never experienced something quite so arousing before.

  He adds his fingers to the mix and I bite down on my lip as I throw my head back. Shit, this man knows his way around a woman’s body. I don’t want to think about all the other women he’s been with before, but damn, I need to thank them as all that experience he had created a sexual deviant.

  I come with his tongue circling over my clit and I scream out. “Holy shit.”

  I feel his grin against me before he crawls right back up my body and kisses me. He lays on top of me and instantly slides himself deep inside me.

  I’m already desperate for more and it doesn’t go unnoticed as he thrusts himself in and out. “Fuck, babe,” he groans. “Just a touch is getting you hot.”

  “I know,” I moan against him, completely overtaken by the insane pleasure. “The last time I was like this I was pregnant.”

  “Fuck,” he rips himself out of me as though my pussy was threatening to bite his dick off. “Are you?” he questions, pulling his weight off my body.

  “What are you doing?” I groan, trying to hook my legs around his waist to pull him back to me.

  “Fuck that,” he says. “I can’t be up in there if you’re pregnant.”

  “I’m not pregnant,” I tell him. “I think I’d know if there was a baby growing in my guts, so get back in here and finish what you started.”

  “Go do a test,” he demands.

  “What? Right now?” I ask, staring at him in disbelief. “I’m not pregnant.”

  “Well, I’m not fucking you until I know for sure.”

  “Damn it,” I groan as I flick myself off the bed and walk across the hallway to the bathroom. I close the door behind me and five minutes later, I walk out of there in complete and utter disbelief.

  I make my way into the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed with the piss stick in my hand as the shock tears through me.

  “Well?” he questions as he comes over and pulls the pregnancy test out of my hand. He looks down at it before looking back at me in confusion. “What the fuck do two lines mean?”

  All sorts of emotions tear through me. Fear, joy, caution. But when I look up at him, a smile rips across my face as the tears begin to pool in my eyes. “We’re going to have a baby, Luke. We’re going to be parents.”

  His face lights up as he drops the test to the ground, freeing both his hands so he can pull me to him. “Holy shit, babe,” he says with his lips on mine. I kiss him as he wipes my tears off my cheeks. “I fucking love you so much.”

  He lays me back on the bed and slides back into me. “Happy Birthday, Lex,” he murmurs.

  I smile up at him. “This is the best damn birthday I’ve ever had.”


  8 Months Later

  “Fuck, Luke,” I groan as I curse my decision to not get an epidural while this contraction rocks through my body and tears me apart.

  I hold Luke’s hands and he allows me to squeeze the shit of them. “You’re doing great, babe,” he says with wide eyes. “Just a little bit more and it’ll be over.”

  “What do you know?” I scoff as a tear runs down my face. “Have you ever pushed a watermelon out of your vagina?”

  “You know I’d do it for you if I could,” he tells me.

  This fucking sucks. This pregnancy has been horrible. I’ve thrown up every moment of every day, been in and out of the hospital, and the little princess even managed to crack my rib. But through all the shit that comes with growing a baby, Luke has been right there by my side.

  He’s been nothing short of amazing and I know he’s going to make a great daddy. I actually think he’s even more excited about this than I am… well, I’ll find my excitement again, right after the contractions go to hell.

  “Alright, Alexis,” Dr. Thompson says as she gets a good look at my lady taco. “Are you ready to meet this little girl of yours? It’s time to push.”

  Panic surges through me. I knew this moment was coming. I’ve been preparing myself for it since I first became pregnant. My only issue is that thinking about something is so very different from actually doing it. I mean, I’m about to push a fucking human head through my vagina.

  It’s going to tear me in half.

  Fuck. What the hell possessed me to want to do this.

  “Babe,” Luke says, giving my hand a squeeze. “Look at me.”

  I do as I’m told and turn to look into those eyes that I love so much. “Stop freaking out,” he tells me with nothing but confidence shining right back at me. “You’ve got this.”

  I let out a breath as he reminds me of how I should be breathing. “I’ve got this,” I repeat.

  “Damn straight, you do, babe,” he says before turning to Dr. Thompson. “Let’s do this shit.”

  She smirks at his attitude and if this was any other situation, I’d probably be smirking too. Dr. Thompson has been incredible throughout this whole process, and I’m sure that if we ever decided to put my body through this torture again, she’d be the doctor we’d go to.

  She has managed my hemophilia B like a rock star and done everything in her power to make sure I’ve had a safe pregnancy and an even safer delivery.

  Time for screwing around is over as my legs get put up into the stirrups and the doctor gets comfortable between my legs.

  The contraction comes and I suddenly have nurses all around me talking me through the process of pushing. I give it all I’ve got, and I swear, I’m literally tearing my body apart. The pain is like something I’ve never felt before. It’s excruciating, and yet I’m still pushing, desperate to get this tiny little one out of me.

  I push and push, then take a deep breath, only to repeat the process over and over again until the sound of a baby filling air into her lungs completely settles me. Even when she starts screaming the place down.

  My world suddenly completes itself and all the pain I just endured is instantly forgotten.

  Luke steps forward and cuts the cord before this tiny little angel is placed on my chest. My tears begin flowing as Luke looks down at us in awe.

  “It’s a girl,” the doctor says with pride in her voice.

  Emotion washes over me as I look down at this precious little girl on my chest. In an instant, she’s my whole world and I feel as though my heart could explode with the feeling. “Hi, my little angel,” I murmur. “I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time.”

  Luke runs his hands over my hair as my arms wrap around this beautiful sweet girl, trying to keep her warm and soothe her with my voice. “She’s incredible,” Luke murmurs, though I don’t think he’s talking to me. Hell, I’m not even sure he realizes he’s said it out loud.

  The nurses give us a quick moment with our daughter before taking her off my chest to get her cleaned up, checked over, and weighed.

  I keep my eyes locked on her as Luke bends down and presses his lips to mine. “You did it,” he tells me.

  I can’t help but look up at the man who had changed my world for the better. “We did it.”

  His eyes soften as he looks deep into mine. “I love you,” he says. “You’re going to be the best fucking mommy this world has ever seen.”

  A smile brightens up my face and I can’t help but laugh. “I love you too.”

  Dr. Thompson finishes up between my legs before walking over to our little girl and sweeping her up off the sca
les. She comes back over to us and looks down at our girl. “Does she have a name yet?” she asks.

  I look up at Luke as he slides his fingers through mine. “Yeah,” he says. “This is Azalea Grace Hayes.”

  “Well then, little Miss Azalea Grace,” Dr. Thompson says as she lays her down in my arms. “Welcome to the world.”

  With that, Dr. Thompson and the midwives walk out of the room to give us this moment together as a family for the very first time.

  My heart aches with the overwhelming love I have for this child and I find it physically impossible for me to pull my eyes away from her.

  Luke climbs into the bed beside me and presses his lips to my forehead. “I don’t know how you did it,” he tells me. “But somehow you’ve opened my eyes to a life that I never knew I needed and I owe you the world for that. I swear to you, Lexi, that the second I get you out of this hospital, I’m going to marry you, because I don’t think I can possibly go another day without you being my wife.”

  My eyes water as I look up at him. The emotions flowing through me are too great for me to even put a proper sentence together, so I nod. “I love you so much,” I tell him again.

  “I know, babe,” he says, running his fingers down the side of my face and pushing the hair away. Little Azalea lets out a yawn and closes her eyes like the angel she is. “Why don’t you rest too?” Luke says. “You’ve both had a big day.”

  The exhaustion takes over me and I hardly have a chance to respond before my eyes are growing heavy. With that, I fall into a deep sleep, holding my baby, while my man holds me.

  The End.

  Jace – Book 4

  Rebels Advocate



  Two years ago, I fell in love.

  One year ago, I learned what it was like to taste his lips on mine.

  Seven months ago, he did things to my body that I could have only ever dreamed of.

  He completely consumed me. My heart and soul was his, all he had to do was take it.

  But instead, he broke me and I ran.

  Now I’m back and what I see before me…

  It’s gut wrenching.


  She’s the sun in my sky and the reason I breathe.

  I fell in love with her the moment I saw her, and man, I fell hard.

  She wants me and I have no choice but to push her away.

  Every time I break her, a piece of my soul crumbles.

  I tear her to pieces over and over again in the hopes she’ll finally move on.

  She never does, so I destroy her again.

  When will she learn that I’m not good enough?

  Why can’t she see that she deserves so much better?

  My heart be damned.

  WARNING: Jace is a steamy romance with a HEA and NO CLIFFHANGER. It contains sexual content and coarse language. It is recommended for mature readers. Please be aware that some scenes may cause stress for some readers.

  The Rebels Advocate series is made up of standalone novels, however, for maximum enjoyment, it is recommended that readers start with the Kings of Denver series.

  Chapter 1


  I step off the plane and the relief hits me like a freight train.

  I’ve spent the last seven months living it up on beaches and exploring the wonders of the world. I’ve been to so many destinations that I guess it qualifies me to be one of those hoity-toity bitches who shove their opinions up other people’s asses.

  You know, when someone says “Oh, I’d really love to visit ‘fill in the blank’ county,” and you pull out your big girl knickers and the arrogance of an asshole before replying with, “Oh, no, no, darling. You couldn’t be more wrong. You should be visiting….blah, because of… blah.”

  I mean, nobody cares for my opinions on the places I’ve been, they want to experience it for themselves.

  My opinions suck.

  My whole trip sucked.

  I suck.

  I’d like to think that I’m this sophisticated world traveler who has her shit together and that my trip was long awaited and well thought through, but truth be told, I was running. The man I’ve been so desperately in love with for the past two years shattered me. He tore me to pieces and I ran.

  I couldn’t stand the pain of constantly having my heart broken. Over and over again. I mean, how pathetic am I to have fallen for the one man who’s incapable of pulling his head out of his ass? Well… I guess he was able to pull it out halfway to tell me he loves me, and then, BAM. He shoves it right back up there and leaves.

  How stupid was I to have gotten into bed with Jace King?

  It was easily the best night of my life. He made me feel things that a woman shouldn’t be capable of feeling. I mean, the way he moved had me desperate for more. He was like an avenging angel thrusting every ounce of pleasure he possessed upon my body.

  One thing is for certain. Jace King is an animal in bed… in all the right ways. It was delicious. Mouth-watering. He’s a sexual deviant and if anyone told you otherwise, they’re lying. His body is carved from the hardest stone and his eyes burn into you like the fucking sun.

  He’s beautiful. He’s the man I had hoped to spend the rest of my life with, and in that moment, I thought I was going to. In that moment, I had it all.

  I was so sure it was finally going to happen. I was sure he had finally gotten past whatever ridiculous excuses he’d built up in his head. He told me he loved me and finally touched me in the way I’d been craving for over a year and a half. He made me feel alive.

  He made me feel safe.

  Come morning, he was gone. I woke to a cold bed and I knew straight away, he waited for me to fall asleep and he walked straight out the door.

  I couldn’t stand being the pathetic girl who always went back for more. The girl who allowed a man to dictate her life. It’s like a never-ending cycle between me and Jace. He pulls me in with those eyes and that smile. I fall hard. He makes me believe there’s finally a shot for us. He pushes me away. I break.


  Over and over and over again.

  I woke, wrapped in the dirtied sheets to realize he was gone. He’d walked out the door and taken my heart with him. I crumbled as the pain completely consumed me. I cried and I hated myself for how weak I’d become over this man.

  Without even thinking twice about it, I booked myself a one-way ticket on the first available plane to get out of this town. I have no idea what I’m doing when I get there or where I’m actually heading, for all I know once I land, I’ll probably be boarding another plane, anything to get as far away as quick as possible from this life and from him.

  I know I’m running and I know Rylee won’t agree with me and that’s why I’m doing this now because she would do what she does best and talk me off the edge, that’s what’s she’s always done, I know this, because I do the same for her but all I know right now to break this cycle is to leave. Rylee is going to be so pissed at me, hurt even, but this is for me it’s the best thing to do, I know it is. Call it self-preservation or whatever the fuck you want to call it, but I need to go and I need to go now.

  So that’s what I did, I slipped away in the middle of the night and didn’t tell a damn soul. I deactivated my email and all my social media accounts, I left my mobile phone and tablet behind on my kitchen counter along with a note to my best friend before walking out the door and locking it behind me. Leaving the past just where it needs to stay. Behind me.

  Jace had pushed me away for the very last time, so I gave him exactly what he wanted. I disappeared.

  I quickly realised six months wouldn’t be enough. Who was I kidding? No amount of time would ever be enough. Every day my heart hurt, knowing I would never have his love. I just wasn’t what he wanted in life or would I ever be and the stupid thing is, I know that now because he told me every time.

  Every. Single. Time.

  I’m such an asshole. I was trying to force him to feel things fo
r me that he clearly didn’t feel. I know he said he loved me, and he probably does in some small way. But that’s it. And that’s all it’s ever going to be. It’s not his fault my love for him consumed me. I see that now, so I need to stop running and I need to pull my head out of the sand. The time to get back to reality has come and now I need face the consequences of my actions and pray I still have my shop because running didn’t solve a damn thing.

  It’s time to fucking adult.

  I need to forget the way the touched me. I need to forget the feel of his fingers running down my body, leaving me burning with need. I need to forget the way he looked at me as though I was the only girl in the world.

  I need to forget Jace King.

  I explained everything in my note to Rylee... well mostly. I told her I had to get away and I won’t be back for a while. I apologized and let her know that I’ll reach out every now and then to let her know I was alright.

  I never did.

  I can’t imagine how much she hates me right now. Rylee and I have been friends since before I can remember. We’ve never gone a few days without talking and I know she’s going to be upset with me, but she has Cole now so she would have been ok.

  I couldn’t bring myself around to talk to her. She would have asked me what I was doing and why I’d left, but I couldn’t talk about it. Every time Jace entered my mind, my heart broke all over again. So, I avoided it altogether.

  I didn’t give anybody a way of contacting me, and now that I’m home, it’s time to pick up the pieces.

  After flying here and there and never allowing myself a break, all I want to do is get home to my apartment. There’s so much I need to do, but first, I just want to sleep.

  I hail down a taxi and the driver helps me to haul my shit into the back. After giving him my address, I sit in the back with my head falling off my shoulders, mentally going through all the things I’m going to have to do.


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