Unbreakable: Haven Falls (Book 6) Read online

Page 6

  “How can you say that?” I demand. "It’s been a week and five days. The more time that passes the less chance we have of finding her. She could be anywhere. Kelly could have stashed her in any part of the world just to keep her away.”

  “No, she couldn’t. Unless Kelly has found a sugar daddy worse than Anton, I highly doubt it. Kelly doesn’t have the means to hide somebody or send her away. She’s just laying low and the second she steps a foot wrong, we’ll get her. The whole fucking town is looking for her, Anton is looking for her, and Broken Hill is looking for her too. We will get her back. Don’t you dare give up on her, Henley. She belongs here with us.”

  My head sinks into my hands as I force myself not to cry. After the number of tears that I’ve shed over the past week and a half, I wouldn’t think that it’s possible to keep crying, but every single time, I prove myself wrong.

  “I’m trying,” I tell him as his hand falls to my back and begins rubbing small circles. “I don’t want to give up but the more time that passes, the harder it gets.”

  “I know,” he whispers. “But you need to have faith. She’s so damn strong. She made it through the first time and somehow found her way to you, and she’ll do it again because now she knows how it feels to be loved. She’s going to fight, Spitfire, just like you would.”

  “She’s just a little girl.”

  Noah shakes his head, a grin pulling at his lips. “If she heard you call her that right now, you’d be in for a world of trouble.”

  I can’t help but smile. “Tell me about it. She’d be cursing me out for days, screaming at me saying that just because she’s short, doesn’t make her little.”

  “I know. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve been kicked in the shin for slipping up?”

  “Yeah,” I laugh. “Who do you think taught her to do it?”

  “I should have known,” he says, shaking his head.

  I pull my head out of my hands and lean into him. Noah has been my rock since she was taken, always checking in on me, and making sure I’m doing ok. Not once has he allowed me to give up hope when all I’ve wanted to do was crawl into a ball and cry.

  He’s given me every last shred of strength he possesses and made sure that I was able to go on another day to keep fighting. He’s been in and out, looking for her in the streets, knocking on doors, and peering through windows.

  Most nights Noah comes home with bleeding knuckles after visiting the people he knew in his old life, hoping they’d have heard something or know anything about Kelly or the man she was with. I’d spend the night bandaging him back up only for him to go back out the next day and do it all over again.

  My phone is constantly on me and my car has driven every street in Broken Hill, Haven Falls, and every damn town around here at least five times over. I’ve searched for the car, I’ve tried to recall the license number, I’ve tried just about everything and each time, I come up with nothing.

  Noah wraps his arms around me before hauling me up onto his lap. I curl into him, squishing my face against his hard chest as his hand continues rubbing those circles against my skin.

  I absolutely hate this. This is our first summer after finishing high school. All my friends should be out partying and living it up, recouping after exams and simply having the time of their lives before moving on to the next stage of their lives; instead this is what we’ve been doing.

  I owe each of them my life. I don’t know where the hell I’d be without them. Noah has kept me sane, Tully and Violet have kept me alive, Aiden has somehow kept me from driving off a cliff, while Spencer has kept me down to earth.

  Dad though…he’s hardly spoken a word.

  I shouldn’t have told him. All I’ve done is make this so much harder for him. I should have waited until after when we have Ari home safe in our arms. Then I could have ruined it all by telling him the price I paid, but if I hadn’t told him, he might have done something stupid like go to Anton himself. Hell, he might have even lost faith and given up, which I simply can’t have.

  I hate that I broke his heart as I see it every time he walks through the door. All he sees now is some other man’s child and a shitload of lies to go with it. I don’t know how he’ll ever look at me the same, I just hope that someday he will because no matter what, he’s still my daddy.

  I pull up off Noah’s chest and look down at him, more than prepared to tell him how damn much I appreciate his love and support over the past week and a half when the high-pitched screeching of my phone cuts through my attention.

  I groan as I hold onto Noah and lean back to grab my phone off the coffee table. My phone has rung nonstop since Ari was taken, and every single time it’s either Tully checking that I haven’t disappeared to make more deals with the devil, or Violet checking that I’ve eaten. Half the time it’s Noah making sure I haven’t locked myself inside my bedroom and am crying into a pillow.

  I look down at the phone and find a private number. “Who the hell is this?” I question out loud as my brows draw down. I have all my friends’ numbers stored in my phone and when the cops call, the numbers always show up.

  That only leaves one person.

  My eyes go wide as they cut to Noah’s. I hastily accept the call before it rings out and find myself squeezing Noah’s arms, drawing blood with my nails as the anticipation of the call becomes way too much.

  Anton’s voice cuts through the line before I even say hello. “I’ve got your girl.” Relief slams into me and my body drops down onto Noah’s as tears spring from my eyes. “Come and get her and then we’ll talk.”

  Without waiting for my response, Anton cuts the line and I drop the phone down onto the couch, needing to hold him with both hands. “He’s got her. Anton found Ari,” I cry into Noah.

  Noah lets out a long breath as he holds me a little tighter. “You’re sure? That was him?”

  “Yes,” I say, wiping my face against his shirt. “He’s got her.”

  Noah closes his eyes as the relief surges through him and when they open again, they’re filled with fire and a new lease on life. “Then what the hell are we waiting for, Spitfire? Let’s go get our girl.”

  I scramble off him faster than I’ve ever moved in my life. I grab my phone off the couch as Noah races across the room for his keys. I only remember to grab my shoes as I stumble over them while trying to race out the door.

  Hold on, Ari. I’m coming to get you.

  My phone is glued to my ear before I’ve even reached Noah’s Camaro. It rings once then dad’s voice comes shooting down the line. “Squish. What is it?”

  “Anton found her,” I say, still unable to believe the words coming out of my mouth as Noah peels out of the driveway and careens down the road, narrowly missing flipping his car on the curb.

  “Where is she?” dad demands. “Is she ok? Is she hurt?”

  “I don’t know,” I say, grabbing hold of the ‘holy shit’ bar. “He has her with him. That’s all I know. He said he has her and to come to get her then hung up. We’re on our way now.”

  “Who’s we?”

  “Me and Noah.”

  “Shit, ok. I’m turning around now. I’m about an hour away. Get her away from Anton and back home where she’s safe. Call the home doctor and get her checked out and make sure she knows that she’s safe. Squish, she’s going to be scared. You make sure she knows her daddy is coming.”

  “Ok, dad. We’ll see you soon.”

  “Be careful with that man, Henley. You get in and get out, alright. Do not agree to anything.”

  I nod my head despite knowing he can’t see me. “Ok.”

  I end the call and it takes me all of two seconds to realize that Noah is already doing all the rounds for me. I listen as he calls Tully and tells her that Anton’s found Ari. She promises to call everyone else and let them know to stop looking.

  Noah practically throws his phone down so he can concentrate on the road and before I know it, he’s flying over the tracks and coming to a stop a
t the front of Anton’s massive black gates.

  The gates open a lot faster than when I had been here waiting and it’s clear that’s because Anton’s security knows Noah’s Camaro well.

  The gates are only halfway open when Noah flies through them, ignoring the way the dogs bark and carry on with the sudden intrusion.

  He brings his car to a stop at the end of the driveway and opens the door, not scared of the dogs at all. I cower in my seat and watch in awe as Noah stands before the dogs, holds up a hand and simply tells them to ‘heel’.

  The dogs sit at his feet and he pats each one on the head before nodding to me, letting me know it’s safe.

  The door opens at the top of the impressive stairs and in the blink of an eye, I start running.

  Chapter 7

  I barge my way through Anton’s front door, ignoring his butler/slave who stands gaping at me, disgusted with my appalling lack of respect and behavior. Lucky for him, he doesn’t try to stop me otherwise he would have ended up with a broken nose.

  I fly into the huge foyer, this time not bothering to look around at the impressive marble and gold finishes. All I care about is the little blonde hair, blue-eyed beauty that’s hidden here somewhere.

  I sense Noah entering behind me and without wasting a moment glancing back, I take off down the hallway towards the study as it’s the only place in this mansion that I know the way too.

  I’m probably being stupid. I should wait for Anton’s butler to show me in and tell me where to go but I can’t seem to hold myself back. I need to get to her.

  I hurry with Noah right beside me as I head for the study, having a good feeling that’s where Anton most likely is while something else tells me that Anton won’t be allowing Ari out of his sight, not when he’s so damn close to claiming me as his property.

  My head whips around as I pass each doorway, double checking that she’s not in any of the rooms. Noah reaches the study door first as if knowing that it’s my target, he barges his way in with me right on his heels.

  I stumble into the room and frantically look around. Anton sits behind his desk, looking a little stunned at our intrusion, but I couldn’t care less because my little sister is sitting across the room, a blanket draped over her shoulders as she practically forces a sandwich down her throat.

  “Ari,” I scream, racing towards her.

  She clambers off the couch which seems way too big for her and runs at me.

  I drop to my knees before her and her tiny little body slams into mine as her arms wrap around my neck. She buries her face into me as she cries and cries, letting me know how damn happy she is to see me. Her nose hurts against my collarbone but I welcome it as it’s another reminder that she’s right here in front of me.

  Noah hovers over us as I hold my little sister and cry right along with her. “I’m so sorry, Ari,” I tell her. “I’m here now. Please forgive me. I’m so, so sorry.”

  She nods her little head and holds me even tighter. “I want to go home.”

  “I know,” I murmur. “I’m taking you home right now.”

  I pull her back and take a moment to look over her. She’s still in the shirt of mine that she was wearing the night she was taken and she looks as though she’s hardly eaten. She’s covered in dirt and smells as though she hasn’t showered. There’s dirt under her nails and muck in her hair, making it appear a few shades darker than what it really is.

  My heart breaks for her as I wipe the tears off her face. “Oh, Squirt. What have they done to you?”

  Ari’s bottom lip pouts out and it’s clear she doesn’t want to talk about it. I push up to my feet and hold my arms out to her. She allows me to pick her up and she instantly curls right back into me. Not letting me put her down for even a second.

  As I turn around with Noah right by my side, I notice Anton now standing in front of his desk, watching the scene before him. He walks forward with a document in his hand and it takes all of three seconds to realize it’s a birth certificate. He hands it to Noah before walking back towards his desk. “It’s her birth certificate,” Anton announces. “I retrieved it from her mother and it seems this young lady is now six years old.”

  My brows dip down and I snatch the certificate out of Noah’s hands to scan over it. Anton’s right, my little girl is now six years old. “Did you hear that, Ari?” I whisper. “It was your birthday.”

  Ari nods into my shoulder and I quickly realize that now isn’t the time to be celebrating, not yet anyway. I turn back to Anton. “Did you make her pay?” I question, knowing he knows that I’m referring to Kelly.

  Anton raises his chin as he rests back onto his desk once again, making sure to cross his leg over the other in a show of arrogance. “I stuck to my end of the bargain. Now it’s time for you to do the same,” he tells me moments before his eyes rake over Noah with distaste.

  My brows furrow. “You said I had the summer to myself.”

  Anton nods. “That’s correct.”

  “And what about college?”

  “You said nothing about college.”

  “I would like to still attend. I got into Broken Hill University on a scholarship. I’m already giving up my freedom for you. Do I really have to give that up too?”

  Anton’s lips press into a tight line as he considers my proposal. “What are you studying?”


  Anton arches a brow and I have a sick feeling that I know exactly what he’s thinking. “I suppose that I could allow you to attend classes during your training with me. I guess a college degree in science could be beneficial.”

  I nod my head. “Then I’ll need to work on weekends. I have a part scholarship and no savings to pay for it.”

  “No. Unacceptable. I will pay for it. Your weekends are mine.”

  I sense Noah tense beside me, but the dead giveaway is the way his hand on my lower back turns into a sharp fist with the material of my shirt getting bunched up between his fingers. “I don’t want your dirty money,” I tell him while silently begging Noah to keep quiet. The last thing we need is for the wrong kind of attention to be drawn to him. After all, out of all the places Noah could possibly be on this planet, this one right here is probably the worst.

  “Well, that’s really not a decision you get to make anymore, is it, young one?”

  I clench my teeth, not wanting to say anything that will make matters worse and simply nod. He’s right. I made a deal with the devil and now that the devil has come through on his end, I need to suck it up and do the same. “Fine. You can pay for college.”

  Anton nods and I nudge Noah, indicating for him to start moving towards the door, but he stands his ground, his gaze focused heavily on Anton. “Why’d you let me go?”

  Oh, fuck. Does he really want to talk about this now when I have a little girl in my arms who’s desperate to get home? Hell, the last conversation they had ended with a gun being drawn. I don’t need that shit in my life, especially not when I have Ari up on my hip.

  “I have made my reasons quite clear,” Anton says, indicating towards the door. “Now, would you please see yourselves to the door before I’m forced to help you there?”

  I hastily nod and go to move, only Noah is once again blocking my way. “It’s because of Lacey, isn’t it? Your niece.”

  Anton’s body stiffens and it’s clear as day that he’s outside of his comfort zone right about now. “What do you know of Lacey?”

  “I know that she had leukemia just like Lily did and I know that she was across the hall from my sister, but more importantly, I know that it was Lily who gave her the strength to keep fighting. Without my sister, your niece would have died right along with her and that’s why you let me go. Not because you saw the errors of your ways like you suggested and not because I’m your daughter’s boyfriend. It’s because my sister saved your niece, isn’t it?”

  Anton’s jaw clenches but Noah’s not giving in. “Answer me. You owe me that much.”

  “I owe you nothin
g,” he shoots back at Noah. “I took you in and gave you something to work towards. Without me, you never would have had the money to get that car you love, or financially help out your family. You couldn’t have afforded those tattoos or the life you choose to lead. I made you what you are today.”

  “I would have found a way without you.”

  “You really think so? You think anyone else in this town would have given you the time of day. You would have ended up just like the rest of them. Losers with no hope and no future. I gave you the tool to make something of yourself. I taught you how to have a backbone and made sure you saw the world for what it is.”

  “You’re fucking twisted if you think for one second that you were doing me a favor. Me and Rivers, we both would have been better off without you.”

  “Don’t you think for one second that you know what’s best for my son, boy.”

  “I do know what’s best for him and clearly he does too,” Noah says. "He broke out and got away from you just like he always wanted, and now you’re going to drag Henley down into the same darkness that Rivers has struggled to get out of his whole life.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Anton tells him. “I protect what’s mine and I’ve only ever done what was best for him.”

  I raise my chin. “You didn’t protect me,” I argue. “You gave me away when I was only a few days old.”

  “I sure as hell did,” Anton says. “You wouldn’t have had any life living with me or Gina. We did what was best for you and gave you a father who would have loved you in the way a little girl needs.”

  “And what about Rivers? Why didn’t you give him away?”

  “Because he’s my firstborn son and from the second he was born, it was his duty to stand by my side, take on the Mathers’ legacy and make our empire so much more. We were going to be unstoppable until he turned his back and joined the Marines.”

  I shake my head. “He did what he had to do to keep himself away from you.”

  “Don’t be fooled, Henley. I’ll get my son back no matter what it’s going to cost me. His place is here by my side and until that happens, you’ll be stepping up.”


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