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Decimate: The Guard Trilogy

  © 2018 Sheridan Anne.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover Design by: OliviaProDesign

  Editing and Formatting by: Sheridan Anne


  I thought it was supposed to get easier. I thought all I had to do was focus on my training and get through my half yearly trials to get me one step closer to graduation.

  The worst was already over… wasn’t it?

  My only problem is keeping my hands off my incredible combat instructor. Rylan had saved me in more ways than one. Thanks to him, my monster is dead and I actually have a chance of graduating top of my class, just as I always dreamed. He just happened to steal my heart in the process. Life had never been better…

  I couldn’t be more wrong.

  When the Fairy Queen demands my eternal presence as her prisoner and will stop at nothing to make that happen, lives are forever changed. Especially when the entire future of The Guard is threatened.

  It’s what happens next that I never saw coming.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Decimate Playlist

  Other books by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 1

  My breath comes hard as I stare into the cold eyes of my sour ex-boyfriend. He strikes his fist out and narrowly missing my shoulder as I spring to the left. My own fist clenches as I raise it in front of me. With lightning speed, I crack my arm out and connect with his broad chest. There’s no way I’m letting this d-bag get the drop on me. I’ve worked too hard for this.

  He snarls in outrage when my fists continue to connect with his chest and ribs. He jumps back out of reach as he lamely attempts to avoid and block my advances.

  “Bitch,” he roars, shooting his body forward as frustration gets the better of him. My leg kicks out and connects with his ribs. He stumbles as I quickly drop to the floor and sweep my leg around in a low arch, knocking him right on his ass.

  Luke glares up at me with his face reddening by the second. “Having a bad day, Luke?” I ask with sarcasm dripping from my voice.

  He lets out a ferocious growl and attempts to mask a groan as he rises to his feet. His eyes shoot daggers at me as he positions himself back in his fighting stance.

  A wicked grin spreads across my face as I bask in the glory of his struggles. Sweet, sweet revenge. There’s nothing quite like it. Ignoring his attempt to start round four, I stride past him, almost floating in my great mood and grinning to myself as he collapses back to the ground, struggling to catch his breath. I walk over to the small stage where I keep my belongings and rifle through my bag until I feel the familiar cool, roundness of my drink bottle.

  I take a quick drink while I scan the room and take in my sparring classmates. I watch as Daniel and Trey, my moronic friends, face off again one another. A laugh bubbles out as I predict their exact movements and watch as Trey easily gets the upper hand, sending Daniel into a jealous tantrum.

  I put my bottle down and continue my scan, quickly zoning in on the figure leaning against the far wall watching as the students around him work their asses off for his approval. He shouts out commands to Alex and Tom, who seem to be struggling with the basics.

  Rylan’s eyes raise and quickly land on me as if sensing my gaze upon him. He sends me a wink that has the air escaping my lungs. Holy cow.

  I catch my breath and watch as his beautiful face transforms from one of hard lines and composure to the most amazing smile that has ever grace this planet.

  He shakes his head and lets out the smallest laugh as he watches the effect he has on me play out before him. I avert my gaze, knowing if I stare any longer I’ll most likely throw myself across the room and into his strong arms. Completely giving away our little secret.

  The last few months have been absolute agony knowing our feelings for each other, but being unable to act on anything in fears of The Guard finding out, which would most likely result in me being kicked out of The Academy and thrown into the ‘regular human’ world, and who knows what they would do to him, but I can promise it wouldn’t be good.

  Not to mention, our one on one training sessions that he gives me each morning are both the absolute best and worst parts of my day. Being so close to him, feeling his hard body up against mine while we fight and train, day in and day out. Being unable to move our relationship from student/teacher to something more is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. If it weren’t for my best friend Jacinta and my drive to graduate top of my combat class, I probably would have gone insane by now.

  I stroll back to my place on my sparring mat, opposite a still fuming Luke. I position myself in front him, ready to deliver another ass whooping. He raises from the ground, still panting as he tries to catch his breath and gets in front of me. He doesn’t bother with formalities, just jumps straight into the fight, which for Luke’s one track mind is not surprising.

  I hear Daniel’s evil cackling in the background each time I block one of Luke’s advances and I realize we must have an audience. The bell signalling the end of class rings and I hear Daniel call out. “Bianca, stop playing with your food. Finish him already.”

  I catch Rylan’s eye across the room and smile at the small nod of approval. Not needing anymore encouragement than that, I step up to Luke, swing my fist out and watch as he ducks under it. As his body lowers I bring my knee up and slam it hard into his stomach, winding him. As he gasps for breath and folds his body in half, I kick my leg out and nail him in the chest, throwing him, for the fifth time, backward onto his ass.

  With a triumphant grin, I step over his body and head for my bag. Trey throws his arm over my shoulder and uses his other hand to rub his knuckles on top of my head, ruining my hair at the same time. “Get off me,” I laugh as I push him aside and throw my bag to Daniel who catches it instantly.

  I pull my hair out of my hair tie and shake it out as the three of us head for the door. “That was some steamy sexual tension you were getting from lover boy today,” Daniel says with a sly grin as he raises his eyebrows. I’m relieved to hear that after the past few months the jealousy has finally seeped out of his voice, now that he’s doing whatever the hell he’s doing with Nora, aka Queen Bitch.

  “Would you shut up,” I scold, glancing around to make sure nobody heard. “You know gossip spreads around here faster than Nora can spread her legs.” Daniel looks down at me with disapproval and I realize I’ve crossed the line.

  “Oh,” Trey laughs. “That was a low blow.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I say wrapping my arm around Daniel. “I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry, it just slipped out.” He shakes his head and gives me a brilliant smile that not a few months ago would have had me swooning.

  “It’s ok, Princess. You’re still my favorite girl,” he says, bending down and giving
me a kiss on the cheek. I beam up at him as warmth spreads through me. I’ve been missing Daniel since he’s been spending so much time with Nora, who to be honest, after all the bitchiness a few months ago with her ridiculous crush on Trey, has really toned it down. Though, I’m sure it’s an act to stay in Daniel’s good book. After all, he does have a reputation as the ‘love them and leave them’ king, but can’t blame the girl for trying.

  “So… what’s going on with the two of you?” he says, asking the million dollar question.

  I let out a frustrated groan. “See, that’s just it. I have no freaking idea. He’s so hot and cold. He wants to be all flirty one minute and then all of a sudden, he’s back to badass instructor mode. And I know the deal was we would wait until I graduated, but it is driving me crazy,” I sigh. “What I wouldn’t give to feel those strong hands all over m-”

  “Whoa,” Trey shouts, cutting off my rant. “You’re like a sister to me. I don’t want to know where the hell you want to feel his hands. Can’t you save this girly crap for Jacinta?” he whines.

  “Hey. If I have to put up with hearing all the vomit inducing details from yours and Jacinta’s ‘movie nights’ then I think you could bare to hear about my non-existent ‘movie nights’,” I scold, adding a little huff for affect.

  Daniel cracks a grin and pulls me in closer to his side. “You know it’s your own fault right? You had the perfect specimen right here,” he says gesturing to his own body. “I could have taken care of all those needs for you,” he says with a twinkle in his eye. “In fact, I could take care of those needs for you right now if you’d like,” he adds, attempting to keep a straight face, but one look at the glare on my face has him bent at the waist howling in uncontrollable laughter.

  I punch him in the ribs earning myself a nice sounding ‘oomph’. “Shut up,” I laugh.

  “I still say dump the guy and move onto bigger and better things, he’s a dick anyway,” Daniel says.

  “He’s only a dick to you because you shoved your tongue down my throat in front of him and every time he looks at you, he most likely remembers the way we were dancing in that club, so really, you’ve brought it all on yourself.”

  “Good point. I’d probably be a dick to me too,” he deadpans.

  We walk the rest of the way across campus to the library to meet with Jacinta. We find the blonde bombshell sitting at a large table, her books already sprawled out everywhere with her head bent over a large book. Trey sucks in a breath at the sight of her and I’m happy he’s still just as in love with her as he was when they first got together.

  She doesn’t look up when we crash down into the empty seats around her. “Do you think she knows we’re even here?” Trey whispers to me from across the table.

  Jacinta scoffs, keeping her head buried in what I can now see to be a Fairy Enchantment book. “Of course I know you’re here. I could smell you from a mile away. You all stink like dirty old sweat. You should really consider taking showers before venturing out with the rest of the world.”

  “Hey,” Trey whinges. “Even me?”

  “No,” she responds looking up at her boyfriend. “Your dirty old sweat smells amazing. The burn it sends through my nose every afternoon is my favorite part of the day,” she smiles sweetly. “Now, all of you shut up and start studying. Midterm exams are coming up and I need to secure my spot in the top ranking.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You already know you’re going to ace it,” I say as I reluctantly reach down to pull out my own books.

  “No, Nora is right on my ass,” she says. “No offense, Daniel, but I can’t let that bitch beat me,” she says before shooshing us once again.

  The boys and I share a smile and an eye roll before getting stuck into our study, though we all know the best way for us to ace our midterms is to get back in the combat room and the shooting range. But if I must say, I’m starting to feel pretty confident. Especially after my easy annihilation of Luke this morning, now it just leaves Trey as one of my main competitors. Though, I know if I keep going the way I’m going, there’s a good chance I could actually graduate top of the class and I owe all of that to Rylan. Without him I’d probably have been kicked out by now, living amongst the regular humans, struggling to figure out my life away from my family and friends.

  An hour later, the boys and I have had enough and begin packing up Jacinta’s books from around her and drag her from the library kicking and screaming, gaining a few disapproving glares from the Librarian.

  We walk as a group out onto the football field and I’m suddenly overwhelmed by my emotions for my perfect group of friends. We have always been close, after all, we’ve grown up together living here at the Guard Academy, but after the vampire attack a few months ago which almost cost mine and Daniel’s lives, we have all become inseparable and rather than just being my misfit group of friends, they’ve become more like family. “I love you guys,” I announce.

  The boys groan knowing Jacinta and I are about to get super in touch with our feminine sides. “I love you too, bestie,” Jacinta says, wrapping her arms around me as we continue to walk onto the field.

  “Daniel,” we hear a feminine voice calling. As one, our small group turns to find Nora hurrying to catch up with us and suddenly the tables are turned as it’s mine and Jacinta’s turn to groan.

  “Play nice,” Daniel warns us as she nears.

  “Hey everyone,” she sings when she finally catches up to us, throwing her twig arms around Daniel’s neck and jumping up into his arms. She wraps her legs around his waist and instantly crashes her lips down on his, making it clear why Daniel is keeping her around.

  I glance to Jacinta to see the look of pure disgust on her face, most likely mimicking the one on mine. Nora finally comes up for air and fixes me with a smirk as if to say ‘back off, Daniel is mine’. Little does she know.

  Nora unhooks her legs from Daniel’s waist and seductively slides herself down against his body. God, this is something I will never get used to. She turns her gaze on Jacinta and I and flashes us a fake smile. “So, the girls and I are going dress shopping this weekend for the dance and it would be so awesome if you guys came too,” she practically sings.

  Jacinta and I exchange another confused glance. “Ah, maybe you don’t remember. The last time I was anywhere near you, I broke your nose or was it your eye socket? I’m not really sure, you’re not that memorable,” I say.

  “Look,” she says, suddenly in a new tone. “I’m trying to be nice for Daniel’s sake. The least you bitches could do is acknowledge that,” she huffs.

  “Sure, we would acknowledge that,” Jacinta says. “If we didn’t know you well enough to know you had an ulterior motive.”

  Nora huffs again. “Whatever,” she says, rolling her eyes and storming off.

  “Come on, guys,” Daniel says, turning towards us. “It’s just one shopping trip,” he pleads.

  “No effing way. There’s no way we’re spending our weekend entertaining your sleazy whore girlfriend. Why don’t you take her shopping with all her friends instead?” I say, standing my ground with Jacinta firmly beside me.

  “Fine, whatever. I’m heading to the gym,” he says, breaking away without a backward glance.

  “Seriously?” Trey says. “You guys know he gets weird about Nora. I’m pretty sure he’s actually starting to like her.”

  “Why? Does she give half price on Fridays?” Jacinta snaps

  “Babe, don’t talk like that. It doesn’t suit you,” Trey scolds his girlfriend, then leans in and gives her a quick kiss on the lips. “I’m going head up and see if I can cool him down,” he says before turns in the same direction Daniel had just stalked off in.

  “And then there were two,” I say to lighten the mood. “I think that was a success. I didn’t even hit her.”

  Jacinta burst out laughing and just like that, Nora is completely forgotten. Without the boys here we decide to head up to the cafeteria to grab something to take back to our d
orm room for an early dinner. We push through the heavy cafeteria doors when right on time my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and answer without looking at the screen, knowing exactly who it is.

  “Hey, Mom. What’s up?” I say, following Jacinta across the cafeteria towards the food.

  “Hi beautiful girl. I’m just checking in,” she says. She’s been ‘just checking in’ every day since the vampire attack nearly wiped me out and I came clean about my whereabouts during my father’s murder.

  “I know,” I laugh. “How’s your day been?”

  I feel a familiar gaze burning into the back of my head and I turn to search out his eyes. I find them instantly and suddenly my mom’s day is not so interesting. I zone out as I hold Rylan’s gaze. My eyes roam over his broad chest and strong shoulders before lowering down his narrow waist, and I swear, I would give my left arm to see him shirtless once again and run my fingers over the tight ridges of his abs.

  “Careful, you’re drooling,” Jacinta whispers in my ear, bringing me back to the here and now.

  I study Rylan’s face and see the same longing in his eyes that’s currently shooting through me. A smug grin crosses my features knowing I affect him just as bad. He smiles back at me, sending my heart into complete meltdown. The past few months have been the most difficult thing I’ve ever endured. Seeing him every day, knowing how he feels and not being able to be with him has been slowly tearing me apart from the inside out.

  “Bianca,” I hear my mom screeching through the phone. “Are you even listening to me?”


  “Oh, sorry mom. I’m in the cafeteria, it’s just a bit loud,” I say, trying harder to concentrate on mom rather than Rylan’s scolding good looks. “What were you saying?”

  She huffs in annoyance at having to repeat herself. “I said, I managed to get next weekend off work so I’m able to come for parent’s weekend,” she practically purrs in delight at sharing her good news.

  “Are you serious?” I squeal in excitement, gaining the attention of the room. Rylan’s eyes sparkle as he watches the joy on my face and I’m reminded of the exact reason why I’m so deeply in love with this man. My eyes linger on his as Mom rattles off all the details for her arrival next week. She hangs up, making me promise I won’t spill the beans to Millie, my crazy, beautiful little sister, so she can be surprised.