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Decimate: The Guard Trilogy Page 2

  Jacinta appears at my side once again with a tray filled to the brim of food for the both of us, healthy for me and mostly healthy for her. “Come on, it makes me gag watching you two pine for each other,” she laughs as she tugs on my arm.

  “Shut up,” I smirk. “Do you have any idea how much rubbish I had to put up with when you and Trey were too scared to talk to each other, and not to mention all the shit now that you're actually together,” I laugh.

  “Whatever, pretty girl. Let’s go,” she drags me out of the cafeteria and up to our dorm. We spend the afternoon chatting about the upcoming dance and parent’s weekend.

  We’re up late watching movies when Jacinta’s phone chimes. She reaches over and snatches it off her bedside table and reads her text, then throws it in my lap, sending me into a laughing fit as I read it out loud.

  Trey - Babe, Daniel snuck out to get his rocks off. He will probably be gone until morning. Come over and I’ll do that thing you like.

  “Well, well,” Jacinta says, grabbing her jacket and pulling on a pair of jeans. “If he is going to do that thing I like…”

  “Oh, geez,” I laugh as I watch her open the window and begin to climb out. Once out, she sticks her head back through the window giving me the cheesiest grin.

  “Be safe,” I whisper yell as she disappears into the darkness. I pull off my clothes and start searching out my pajamas when there’s a light knock at the window. I groan knowing Jacinta has most likely forgotten something. I cross the small space to the window and throw it open to find a grinning, gorgeous man.

  The momentary shock at finding a stunning Rylan at my window has me forgetting that I’m standing before him in my underwear. “What are you doing here?” I squeak in surprise.

  He flashes me those pearly whites which brings nervous flutters to my stomach. His eyes grow hooded as his gaze travels down my nearly naked body. I momentarily want to cover up, but I know I look good and why shouldn’t he be treated every now and then. “See something you like?” I purr.

  His eyes travel back up my body and there’s an intense need behind his eyes. The longing I’ve been desperately trying to hold back for the past three months comes rushing to the front. I realize we must have been standing here for at least a full minute and he still hasn’t said a word.

  I step forward into the window and begin climbing out, stopping half way so I’m sitting in the open window. Slightly uncomfortable on my ass, but my comfort is definitely something I’m willing to sacrifice in this particular moment.

  I reach forward and grab the front of his shirt before pulling him into me so he stands between my legs. His eyes bore into mine as he places one of his large palms on my thigh, while he snakes his other around my waist and pulls my body hard against his. Finally, I’m home.

  “Bianca,” he whispers. “I can’t be here.” His gaze bores into mine, his dark eyes pulling me deeper and deeper into his. His hand on my back travels up my spine sending goose bumps over my sensitive skin. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  His hand on my thigh curves around the side of my leg until it is firmly placed on my ass. He pulls me tighter against him and lifts me out of the window with the cold metal of my bullet chain pressed firmly between our bodies. He moves slightly so the brick wall is now against my back. I twine my legs around his narrow waist while my hands roam over his broad chest.

  “Rylan,” I whisper, snaking my hands higher to curl into his dark hair just as he lowers his face to mine. He presses his lips against mine. Gentle at first, but the urgent need within us quickly takes over. I dig my nails into his back while his hand squeezes down on my ass. His hips push harder into mine and I moan against his lips. A desperate need to invite him inside rips through me, but I know that would be pushing my luck.

  He pulls away and rest his forehead against mine as we struggle to catch our breaths. He holds me tight against the brick wall of my dorm room. “What is it about you that drives me absolutely crazy?” he whispers into the night.

  “Speak for yourself,” I grin back at him.

  We stand outside my room for what could be minutes or hours, enjoying this stolen moment of being in each other’s arms. I rest my head into the nook of his neck. “So, was there actually a reason you came by or were you just hoping to catch me in my underwear?”

  His chest rumbles against me as he laughs into my hair. “Honestly, I’m always hoping to catch you in your underwear, but I saw Jacinta sneak out and I just… I don’t know, I needed to come.”

  I smile against the warm skin of his neck. “You know I can take care of myself, right,” I say.

  “I know you’re more than capable, but maybe it’s time you let someone take care of you.”

  “Am I supposed to assume that that someone is you?”

  “Don’t be a smart ass,” he grins.

  I lift my head to look into his dark, gold speckled eyes. “What happened to all our rules Mr. Badass Instructor?” I ask.

  “They quite literally went out the window,” he smirks. “I blurred those lines coming here tonight, but I’m not sure I can go back now. It’s too hard to stay away from you.”

  I giggle into his neck and tighten my arms around him. I let out a sigh and kiss along his skin. “You’re amazing,” I whisper. He lets out a groan that sends a shiver over my body which he mistakes for a chill.

  “You better get back inside before someone catches me feeling up my student in her underwear,” he murmurs, taking me off the wall and placing me back down on the window. He leans in and gives me one last kiss before I swing my legs back into my room.

  I reach up to grab hold of the open window when Rylan fixes me with a look I know almost too well. “I know, I know,” I grumble with a roll of my eyes. “Back to business as usual.”

  He smirks at me as his eyes dance in the moonlight. “Goodnight, Bianca.”

  “Night, Rylan.”

  Chapter 2

  I stand in the hallway of Millie’s dorm room with my mom standing excitedly beside me. We come to Millie’s door and knock enthusiastically. A pajama clad Millie opens the door, rubbing her eyes before doing a double take as she takes in the scene in front of her.

  “Mom?” she screeches, jumping up and down before throwing her around her. “What are you doing here? I thought you couldn’t make it.”

  “I wanted to surprise you, baby girl. I’m here for parent’s weekend,” she says as she squeezes Millie with everything she’s got and runs her hand down her dark hair.

  Millie catches my eyes and sends me a glare. “You knew the whole time, didn’t you?” she accuses.

  I shrug my shoulders in response. There was no way I was going to ruin this beautiful surprise.

  “Why are you still in bed? Are you not getting enough sleep? Are you eating? How’s your school work going?” Mom demands. I send a smirk to my sister, who fixes me with yet my second glare for the morning.

  “Chill out, mom. I’m fine,” Millie says, trying her best to soothe our mother.

  Mom turns her brown eyes on me. “Why aren’t you taking better care of you sister?” she demands.

  Oh geez. “Mom. Millie is fine, she said so herself. Her school work is always done. She sits in the library for an hour after school every day and she eats more than the guys in my combat class combined. She’s probably having a sleep in because the juniors were having a massive party out in the back field, apparently it was still going strong at 3 am.” Both Millie’s and Mom’s eyes widen at that last part telling me without a doubt my sweet little sister was most certainly at that party and now my poor mother is horrified.

  I smirk at Millie, basking in the joy of messing with both of them at the same time. I see the wheels turning in my mother’s mind and jump in just in time. “Come on, mom. Let’s head down to the cafeteria for an early lunch while Millie showers and washes the booze and cigarette smoke out of her hair.”

  I drag my mother along laughing at her stressed out state. “Calm down,” I say. “Yo
u know just as well as I do that Millie is a good girl. Sure, she went to a party, but you can guarantee that she most likely set herself an 11 pm curfew and took bottled water,” I laugh.

  “Yes, I suppose your right. She really is nothing like what you were at that age,” she says with a sigh. “You girls are just growing up so quickly.”

  We make our way into the already busy cafeteria and sit down at a table while my mother takes the opportunity to grill me on my own life and school work. Soon enough, Millie joins us dragging Jacinta and her parents, Phillip and Marie behind her.

  Our group of parents sit and we catch up on the ins and outs of our lives. Before we know it, Jacinta and I are drilling her father on any and all the juicy gossip that comes deep from within The Guard, which apparently, is not much, just some disappearing humans in the next state over which is clearly the work of the vampires and apparently some conflict within the Fairy Kingdom, which has absolutely no interest to me. Though, the topic seems to perk Jacinta up, which has her asking all sorts of questions, keeping her and Phillip busy. Both as happy as pigs in mud.

  Jacinta’s eyes widen in shock as Trey and Daniel walk into the cafeteria. Trey with his parents and younger sisters while Daniel follows on behind with an older, female version of himself, who no doubt is his mother. It occurs to me, that after all these years having Daniel as one of my best friends, I have never actually met her. Their small group walks over to meet us as Jacinta nervously stands and clears her throat to gain her parents attention. “Mom, Dad, you remember my boyfriend Trey? These are his parents, Charlie and Lyn,” she announces.

  Both her parents stand to meet the newcomers, while Jacinta and I notice the storm that brews behind her father’s eyes. They all shake hands making polite introductions, though, we all know the shit is going to hit the fan as soon as Phillip gets behind closed doors.

  Daniel stands at the head of the table and gestures towards his mom. “Hey guys, this is my mom, Sue,” he says, as all eyes are drawn towards her. Sue looks around the table, greeting us all as Daniel lists off our names. Her eyes widen in shock as they land on Phillip with her skin paling before our eyes. She quickly schools her features and says a hasty hello to him while he looks as though he’s seen a ghost.

  Jacinta and I share a look and gaze over to Daniel who’s also looking on with curious eyes. He narrows his eyes at Phillip who’s studying his lunch very intently. Daniel looks up at me and Jacinta before shrugging his shoulders, clearly having no idea what’s going on.

  After an extremely awkward lunch, Jacinta and I huddle together on our couch, exhausted from our day, when our favorite boys come pushing their way through our window and make themselves at home in our beds. “Sure, come on in guys,” I say with sarcasm. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well,” Trey says. “I wanted to make out with my girlfriend and Daniel wanted to quiz her on her Dad.”

  “You guys caught that, huh?” Jacinta asks, making her way over to her bed to snuggle in with Trey. Feeling lonely, I make my way over to my bed and sit down next to Daniel.

  “Yep, sure did,” Daniel says throwing his arm over my shoulder. “What do you guys think that was about?” he asks, trying hard to keep his tone light, but having troubles masking his emotions. Clearly, this has been bothering him today.

  “I have no idea,” Jacinta says. “I’ve talked about you guys to my parents a million times and he has never mentioned that he knows your mom. Did she say anything to you?”

  “No,” he says. “But she seems really off and said that she’s going to leave after breakfast in the morning.”

  “Strange,” Jacinta comments. “Maybe they met through work. You know my Dad is always at The Guard head offices.”

  “Nah, that’s not it. Mom told me a little while ago she has only visited Head Offie once or twice, certainly not enough to create whatever weird shit went down at lunch.”

  “Ooh, maybe they dated when they were in The Academy?” I suggest, shooting out my helpless ideas.

  “No that’s not it. My parents have been together since they were here themselves and besides, Daniel’s mom has to be at least ten years younger than my parents,” Jacinta says, curling into Trey's side, who mumbles something and pulls her closer to his chest. I glance over to find he’s fallen asleep. So much for their impromptu make out session.

  I lay down on my pillow with my feet in Daniel’s lap and notice the concerned look within his eyes. I nudge him with my foot, gaining his attention. “I’m sure it’s nothing,” I tell him.

  He gives me a tight smile. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” he sighs, sliding down into my bed so his feet are at my head. I throw him a pillow and just like that, he falls asleep, clutching my feet in his strong arms.


  I wake with a jolt, feeling as though I’m being crushed. I gasp for air as my eyes fly open to find Daniel’s heavy body draped all over me. I look to my right and find his leg jammed up beside me. I grab at the hair on his leg and pull.

  “Stop it,” he growls from the opposite end of the bed as he desperately shakes his leg out of my grip.

  “You’re crushing me. I can’t breathe,” I squeak.

  Daniel shoots up immediately, allowing me to take a deep breath. “Shit. Sorry B. I’m not used to sharing a bed,” he says as he attempts to stifle a yawn.

  I look over to find Jacinta’s bed empty, but can hear the distinct sound of the shower running and I pray to God that I won’t have to bleach my shower before I get in.

  Half an hour later and one offer to join Daniel in the shower, the four of us make our way across campus to collect all our parents for breakfast. We meet Millie half way there and head in the direction of Sue’s room first.

  Daniel puts his hand on the door to push his way through when raised voices from within brings him to a standstill.

  The low angry tones of Jacinta’s father rumble through the wall. “I gave you a lot of money to fix that problem,” he roars. Apparently, we’re going to get some answers after all. Jacinta and Daniel give each other a curious, confused look. “Now, what the hell are you doing here? Have you come to blackmail me for more money or destroy my reputation and family?”

  “As if I want your dirty money, Phillip. I don’t follow your rules. Your money and status cannot intimidate me,” Sue bites back in anger, spitting his name like it’s poison on her tongue. “I am here to see my boy so don’t you dare come in here making demands,” she seethes. I steal a quick glance at Daniel who’s practically shaking in anger.

  The room is silent for a short moment. “The boy is mine, isn’t he?” Phillip growls. No response comes from within the room, but a pained gasp rips from Jacinta beside me. I reach down and lace my fingers with hers as a tear falls down her beautiful cheek.

  “Get your hands off me,” Sue screeches which is the last straw for Daniel. He kicks through the door and races to his mother’s aid as Phillip shakes her violently by her shoulders. Shock registers on his face just in time to see Daniel’s fist flying towards his face and cracking him in the jaw. The blow comes with enough force to send him flying backward into the glass dining table and shattering it into thousands of pieces.

  I stand back, positioning myself in front of Millie who seems to be shrinking behind me in fear.

  Phillip scrambles to his feet as Daniel stalks towards him like a predator who’s just found his first meal in months.

  “Touch my mother again and you’ll regret it,” Daniel roars as Trey races to wedge himself between the two and break them apart.

  Phillip raises his jaw at Daniel in a challenge. “I think you need to mind your business, boy.”

  Daniel takes another step forward, pushing Trey out from between them. Daniel towers over Phillip and it’s clear who the winner would be in this fight. “I think you need to leave,” he snarls.

  Phillip prepares himself for a retort when Jacinta yells for her father’s attention. Phillip’s gaze swings to her in shock with panic
quickly taking over his features. “What are you doing here?” he scolds.

  “I have more right to be in here than you do. How about you shed a little light on what the hell is going on?” she seethes, though, so far I think we have all figured out already.

  Pain flashes over his face at his daughter’s expression or maybe it’s fear that his dirty secrets have just been exposed to a group of teenagers. “I think Daniel’s right,” she says, standing tall. “You need to leave. Now.”

  He takes a step in her direction which has Treys' protection instinct kicking in. He steps with Phillip, always keeping himself between the father and daughter. “I’m not going to hurt my daughter,” Phillip roars at Trey.

  “Look at her face,” he says, watching as she tries to blink away her tears. “You already have. Now, you’ve been asked to leave twice, don’t make me ask a third time,” he says, growling down at the man.

  Phillip lets out a roar and stalks towards the door. He grips the handle and flings the door open wide. He looks back at his daughter with a pained expression and I’m sure it’s currently dawning on him exactly what it is that he’s lost today. He shoots out the door, slamming it behind him.

  The room falls silent and I squeeze Jacinta’s hand in mine as Trey wraps his arms around his now sobbing girlfriend.

  I look up to see a similar situation with Daniel and his mom who’s quietly sobbing on his shoulder, repeating, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Daniel rubs slow circles into his mother’s back in his desperate attempts to soothe her.

  I clear my throat gaining the room’s attention. “I’ll take Jacinta back to our room if you wanted to stay here and sort things out. I’m sure there’s a lot to discuss.”